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Demonstrators in Ramallah: “Normalization [with Israel] is a national crime”

Headline: “A sit-down strike in front of the Representative Office of Japan in Ramallah to protest normalization”
“Civilians held a sit-down strike in front of the Representative Office of Japan in Ramallah to protest a meeting between Palestinian and ‘Israeli’ university students at a Japanese-funded scientific conference, described as a normalization [conference,] expected to take place in Tokyo, Japan, from August 10-27, 2013.
The [protest] watch was organized by the ‘Boycott Your Occupation Campaign’ – A youth-organized campaign, active both in social networks and in the streets, demanding to adopt and spread the system of all-out economic, cultural and academic boycott of the occupation…
The activists raised flags of Palestine and signs with slogans, in Arabic and English, against normalization, including: ‘Normalization is betrayal’ and ‘Normalization is a national crime.’”

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