Football tournament named after terrorist Fadi Al-Bahati
Headline: “A football tournament named after Martyr (Shahid) Fadi Al-Bahati [will be held] today”
“Supported by the family of Martyr (Shahid) Fadi Al-Bahati, a mini-football tournament will begin at 8:00 p.m. today [July 2, 2013], the ninth anniversary of [Al-Bahati’s] Martyrdom death. [The tournament will take place] at the Khaled bin Said School’s sports field. Four teams of players over the age of 30 will participate: A team from the Education [Administration], a team from the Lawyers’ Union, a group of Al-Yazan Taxi veterans , and a group of veterans of the Tulkarem police and Holy Sites Administration…”
Note: Fadi Al-Bahati - one of the heads of the military wing of Islamic Jihad in Nablus. He dispatched suicide bombers to attack Israel and was responsible for the manufacture of explosive devices. In 2001 he shot and killed two Israeli border policemen. In 2004 he was killed by the Israeli army.
“Supported by the family of Martyr (Shahid) Fadi Al-Bahati, a mini-football tournament will begin at 8:00 p.m. today [July 2, 2013], the ninth anniversary of [Al-Bahati’s] Martyrdom death. [The tournament will take place] at the Khaled bin Said School’s sports field. Four teams of players over the age of 30 will participate: A team from the Education [Administration], a team from the Lawyers’ Union, a group of Al-Yazan Taxi veterans , and a group of veterans of the Tulkarem police and Holy Sites Administration…”
Note: Fadi Al-Bahati - one of the heads of the military wing of Islamic Jihad in Nablus. He dispatched suicide bombers to attack Israel and was responsible for the manufacture of explosive devices. In 2001 he shot and killed two Israeli border policemen. In 2004 he was killed by the Israeli army.