Hate speech for kids by the PA
Hate speech for kids by the PA
Little girls on PA TV reciting that Jews
are the "most evil among creations,
barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs,"
is part of a pattern of demonization by the PA
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
When then Sen. Hillary Clinton joined Palestinian Media Watch for a press conference in the Senate in 2007, she warned that Palestinian schoolbooks and official media "profoundly poison the minds of these children."
Since then, the PA's poisoning its children with hatred has continued unabated. The video from PA TV that Palestinian Media Watch released yesterday is just one example: PA TV invited two little girls to read a poem, which was based on Islamic traditions and described Jews as the "most evil among creations, barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs," condemned to "humiliation and hardship."
Click to view
The poem also taught that Jerusalem is not for Jews, because Jerusalem "vomits" out the Jews who are said to be "filth" and "impure":
"Jerusalem vomits from within it your impurity
Because Jerusalem, you impure ones, is pious, immaculate
And Jerusalem, you who are filth, is clean and pure."
Official PA TV has used similar language about Jews in the past, defining Jews praying at the Western Wall as "sin and filth," and explaining that the "rain cleanses the steps of the foreigners [Jews] so that the feet [of Muslims] in prayer will not step on impurity."Because Jerusalem, you impure ones, is pious, immaculate
And Jerusalem, you who are filth, is clean and pure."
These teachings are part of an ongoing pattern of demonization and Islam-based Antisemitism by official PA TV.
The following are ten additional examples of Fatah and PA demonization of Israel involving children:
Jews are "Allah's enemies, the sons of pigs"
Girl: "Allah created me and formed me
He made me prouder and made me a Palestinian...
Long live the nation of Fatah and Yasser Arafat
Allah's enemies, the sons of pigs (i.e., Jews, in Islamic tradition)
Destroyed and uprooted the olive and fig trees
They murdered children with guns, like snakes
They cut off their limbs with stones and knives
They raped the women in the city squares
They defiled Allah's book [the Quran] in front of millions
Where are the nation of Islam and the Jihad fighters?
Where is the fear of Allah in Jerusalem, which has been defiled by the Zionists?"
PA TV host: "Bravo, applause, applause, applause to Hadeel."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, March 22, 2013]
"I am a Palestinian, my name is Palestinian
I've etched my name on all the town squares
In letters that stand out over the placards
The letters of my name pursue me, enliven me, nourish me,
They enflame my spirit and beat in my veins...
Saladin (Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem) calls to me from the depths of my heart
All my Arabness calls me to vengeance and liberation
My flag that was folded in Hattin (Saladin battle in 1187)
The person who summons to prayer in the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]
calls to us: "Save me"
Thousands of prisoners and thousands who are jailed
call to this great nation and call to millions
They say: To Jerusalem, the [first] direction of prayer [in Islam]
To war that will smash the oppression and destroy the Zionist's soul
and raise the Palestinian banner in the world's sky
And strengthen my word that goes on: Palestinian, Palestinian, Palestinian."
I've etched my name on all the town squares
In letters that stand out over the placards
The letters of my name pursue me, enliven me, nourish me,
They enflame my spirit and beat in my veins...
Saladin (Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem) calls to me from the depths of my heart
All my Arabness calls me to vengeance and liberation
My flag that was folded in Hattin (Saladin battle in 1187)
The person who summons to prayer in the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]
calls to us: "Save me"
Thousands of prisoners and thousands who are jailed
call to this great nation and call to millions
They say: To Jerusalem, the [first] direction of prayer [in Islam]
To war that will smash the oppression and destroy the Zionist's soul
and raise the Palestinian banner in the world's sky
And strengthen my word that goes on: Palestinian, Palestinian, Palestinian."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 29, Feb. 1, and March 1, 2013]
Palestinian children taught to anticipate the end of Israel
PA TV host: "And of course we will never forget that we have land that was occupied in 1948, which will return to us one day. Remember well, children. Also [remember] to safeguard our folklore, our national games, the folklore in all its forms, our dress and our food and our games and anything that forms the Palestinian folklore - we have to safeguard it. If we don't safeguard it, then the occupation might steal it as well, as it stole our land. Right? Do you agree with me? Bravo!"
[Official Palestinian Authority TV (Fatah), Feb. 23, 2013]
Pictures posted on Fatah Facebook page glorify violence for kids
[www.facebook.com/fatehal3sfh, Dec. 20, 2012] |
[www.facebook.com/fatehal3sfh, Dec. 28, 2012] |
As part of its anniversary celebrations, Fatah posted two pictures on its official Facebook page showing young children holding automatic rifles:
Text on first picture:
"The 48th anniversary of the Launch of the Palestinian revolution"
"My mother gave birth to me to fight, and Fatah gave me the gun."
"The 48th anniversary of the Launch of the Palestinian revolution"
"My mother gave birth to me to fight, and Fatah gave me the gun."
Text beside second picture:
"This is Fatah, spark of the Palestinian revolution, the revolution that turned refugees
into fighters and turned fighters
into an army to build the state. This picture shows columns of refugees who Yasser Arafat turned into fighters by virtue of his keffiyeh (i.e., headscarf) and his revolution."
"By the blood of the youth Jerusalem will return to us""This is Fatah, spark of the Palestinian revolution, the revolution that turned refugees
into fighters and turned fighters
into an army to build the state. This picture shows columns of refugees who Yasser Arafat turned into fighters by virtue of his keffiyeh (i.e., headscarf) and his revolution."
Girl: "They say I'm a terrorist, but I'm no terrorist
What can I do, Mother, they took my book away
They tied me up, blindfolded me and threw me in a tank
They threw me into a dark room under watch
They wouldn't let me see you, Mother, and wouldn't let me see my friends
I longed to go to school and I longed to have my games...
I swear by a child's tears...
By the blood of the youth
Jerusalem will return to us...
We'll free every inch from the foreigner's clutch."
PA TV host: "Bravo, bravo, applause."
[Official Palestinian AuthorityTV (Fatah), Sept. 8, 2012]
Jews are "are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised"
PA TV host: "You are going to recite a poem, which also teaches us responsibility and belonging."
Girl: "... The occupier stole my land and my grandfathers' land...
Where is your sword, Khaled (Arab warrior)?
Where is your courage, Saladin (Muslim conqueror)?
But no one answered me.
Where is my weapon? I found it - a stone. I took it and threw it at the enemies of destiny. I taught the world that the Muslim in the name of Allah cannot be defeated...
They challenge us with the White House, and we challenge them with the [Islamic] awakening and the Kaaba [in Mecca]. They aren't stronger than Khosrau and Caesar (rulers of Persian and Byzantine Empires).
They [Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised. They are remnants of the [Christian] crusaders and Khaibar (i.e., Jewish village destroyed by Muslims in 629)...
Oh Muslims of the world: Awaken, you have slept too long.
Your fathers and your sons are being massacred, your Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is defiled and destroyed."
Host: "Bravo! Applause for our friend Lara."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, June 2, 2012]
Two versions of the poem "Zion is Satan with a tail"
Host: "Laila, what do you want to recite next?"
Laila: "When I was young I was taught that Arabness is my honor...
and that our lands extend from one end to the other,
and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail...
Our division is by your hands [Arab rulers]. May your hands be cut off.
We are fed up with our division, while all people are uniting."
Host: "Bravo, bravo, bravo."
Laila: "When I was young I was taught that Arabness is my honor...
and that our lands extend from one end to the other,
and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail...
Our division is by your hands [Arab rulers]. May your hands be cut off.
We are fed up with our division, while all people are uniting."
Host: "Bravo, bravo, bravo."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV (Fatah), April 7, 2012]
Host: "Lina, how did you participate in the exhibition [of educational tools]?"
Lina: "I recited a poem."
Host: "A poem."
Co-host: "Lina opened the exhibition."
Lina: "When I was young, I was taught that Arabness is my honor...
and that our lands extend from one end to the other,
and that our wars were for the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and that our enemy, Zion, is Satan with a tail..."
[Official Palestinian Authority TV (Fatah), May 8, 2012]
PA children sing: "My pure land, I shall saturate you with my blood... redeem you with my life"
"How beautiful you are, my country
The love in my heart for you is great
You have brought up and educated
generation after generation,
You waited patiently and discovered your heroic children
Oh, my pure land, I shall saturate you with my blood
I shall live and die upon your green ground
Your ground satiates us, your goodness satisfies us
I shall redeem you with my life, oh my land
Your embrace warms us
Your ground satiates us, your goodness satisfies us
I shall redeem you with my life, oh my land
Your embrace warms us"
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, Jan. 5, 2012]
Demonization and Antisemitism is not limited to children's education. The following are ten examples of recent PA libels, demonization of Jews and Israel, and religious hatred for general audiences:
Bethlehem Governor: Israeli treatment of Palestinians similar to "what the Polish people experienced during Nazi occupation"
PA official Rajoub: Israel could teach Hitler "the art of destroying the people and massacres"
Israel is a "Nazi-like occupation"
Israeli prisons are "a slow-executing guillotine... not fit for human beings"
Expert on Israel Affairs: Israel seeks to rule "from the Nile to the Euphrates"
Israel has "policy of systematic killing" of prisoners
Israel is an "enemy" and a "snake coiled around the land"
PA Imam: Protocols of the Elders of Zion is Jews' plan to "rule the world"
Europe could not bear the Jew's "character traits, monopolies, corruption"