PA PM Hamdallah announces upcoming release grant for prisoners
"[PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah said that an appropriate monetary payment will be made in the coming days to cover part of the prisoners' release grants and fines (i.e., fines they have been fined by Israel), and he stressed that the prisoners' cause, their freedom and their rights must remain on the government's and leadership's list of priorities. After meeting with Head of the Prisoners' Club Qadura Fares yesterday [Sept. 5, 2013] in the Prime Minister's Office in Ramallah to discuss many topics concerning the prisoners and the latest developments in their condition, Hamdallah said that at the next cabinet meetings the Fifth Executive Regulation, which concerns prisoners, will be discussed, in order to approve it and begin its implementation. Similarly, the Prime Minister noted that the 'Dignified Life Grant' for released prisoners requires a resolution issued by President Mahmoud Abbas in order to arrange its payment, as per the fifth article of the Palestinian Basic Law. He said that he has presented the subject of the grant to the President in preparation for legislation that will deal with the matter."
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