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Fatah defends glorifying terrorists on Facebook

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
Fatah defends glorifying terrorists on Facebook:
"They are our role models"

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Palestinian Media Watch has documented many times that Fatah continuously uses its "Main Page" on Facebook to glorify terrorists. Recently, Fatah used this Facebook page to praise a murderer of two as the "nation's symbol."

Now, Fatah has responded to PMW's exposures and to criticism of Fatah by world leaders.

"Israel (i.e., Palestinian Media Watch) has been monitoring Fatah's main [Facebook] page and sending messages to friendly nations regarding what is written on the page. Israel claims this is incitement to violence," the administrator wrote. He addressed Israel, defending Fatah's practice of glorifying terrorists who have murdered Israeli civilians:

"Israel, you oppose our posting photos of Martyrs (Shahids) on our page, [but those Martyrs] are our role models for everything related to freedom."
Click to view more examples of the PA and Fatah policy of glorifying terrorists.

The following is the text posted by the administrator of the "Fatah - The Main Page" Facebook page:

"Please 'share' because of the importance [of this post] - an important clarification by the Fatah Movement's Main Page:
Israel (i.e., Palestinian Media Watch) has been monitoring Fatah's main [Facebook] page and sending messages to friendly nations regarding what is written on the page. Israel claims this is incitement to violence. Through our Fatah page, we tell Israel and all our friends around the world, that we are on our leadership's side in the popular resistance to drive Israel off our land and that we will no longer show restraint. We want our freedom on the land, at sea and in the air, [we want] the borders and the water, the release of our prisoners and the return of our refugees. What does Israel expect from us if it denies our rights, if unemployment increases among us and if the political horizon is gone?? Does it [Israel] expect us to send flowers? Of course not!!! If the world wants the conflict with Israel to end, it must solve our problem as called for in its resolutions, in decisions of international institutions, and nothing else.
And regarding the friends around the world who respond to Israel's messages about the [Fatah Facebook] page and see incitement to violence in what is written there: I say that the settlers riot every day and uproot olive trees under the protection of their occupying army. It would be better if you would monitor them and draw the line [for them] instead of monitoring Fatah's main Facebook page and what is written on it. Israel, you oppose our posting photos of Martyrs (Shahids) on our page, [but those Martyrs] are our role models for everything related to freedom. We are proud of them and we will not lose touch with our history. Just as you are proud of criminals who murdered Palestinians in the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel, "the 1948 territories is a term the Palestinians use to refer to Israel within the Green Line) and mark the anniversaries [of their deaths], so we are proud of all our Martyrs with no exception, and proud of their sacrifices, which will lead us one day to the liberation of our lands and [freeing] our Jerusalem from your impurity."
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," Oct. 23, 2013]

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