Israeli PM Sharon “and his gang” murdered Arafat
PA TV did a live broadcast from a conference on national identity, in memory of Yasser Arafat. Deputy-Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril Rajoub:
“Certainly, there is someone who transferred this poisonous material [to Arafat], but the [person who is] responsible, and who we’ll be going after, is [then-Israeli PM Ariel] Sharon and his gang. This Israeli occupation tried in the past and continues to try to injure the Palestinian [national] leadership in order to impose a [different] leadership that will agree to compromises.”
“Certainly, there is someone who transferred this poisonous material [to Arafat], but the [person who is] responsible, and who we’ll be going after, is [then-Israeli PM Ariel] Sharon and his gang. This Israeli occupation tried in the past and continues to try to injure the Palestinian [national] leadership in order to impose a [different] leadership that will agree to compromises.”