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Abbas rep accuses Israel of involvement in shooting attack on PA minister

‎ “Yesterday, (Sunday) [Dec. 22, 2013], ‎political advisor to the President ‎‎[Mahmoud Abbas] Nimer Hammad said: ‎‎‘We will not allow the security anarchy, ‎which serves the Israeli occupation and its ‎schemes.’ In answer to a question from ‎WAFA [the official PA news agency] ‎regarding the security situation, Hammad ‎said: ‘In light of the international crisis and ‎isolation that have resulted from its policy, ‎the Israeli government is trying to benefit ‎from any element of tension or chaos in ‎Palestinian society. Therefore, several ‎groups and people are carrying out ‎dubious acts, such as took place in the ‎assault and shooting incident on [PA] ‎Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-‎Habbash. The Palestinian Security Forces ‎are increasing their efforts to apprehend ‎these lawbreakers’…‎
He said: ‘We view these acts as a service ‎to the occupation’s policy and as an ‎attempt to disrupt the PA’s conduct and ‎destroy the achievements we are ‎recording regarding the international ‎community’s support and its respect for ‎the achievements of the Palestinian ‎Security Forces.’”‎
From WAFA, official PA news agency

On December 18, 2013, unknown assailants opened fire at the office of PA Minister Mahmoud Al-Habbash. There was no evidence that Israel was involved in the attack.

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