Israel National News article on PMW documentation of PA incitement and the Israel Incitement Index
PMW: Talks Go On,
As Does PA Anti-Israel Incitement
Official government reports show that incitement against Israel and the Jewish People is continuing on official media channels in the PA
by David Lev
In its latest bulletin, Palestinian Media Watch, an organization that monitors the PA media for anti-Israel incitement, cited numerous examples of anti-Israel propaganda. For example, a children's program on PA TV called The Best Home broadcast a song called “Oh Flying Bird,” which misrepresents sites in Israel as being in “Palestine.” Among the places listed as being Palestinian are Safed, Tiberias, Nazareth, Beit Shean, and Haifa. Other versions of this song, which is well-known in the PA, include Ramle, Be'ersheva, and Akko, as well as PA-controlled cities, such as Jenin, Shechem, Jericho, and Gaza.
In the agreements being carved out by the United States, the PA is going to be expected to give up on its dream to include cities within the 1948 borders of Israel in a Palestinian state, officially recognizing them as part of Israel, the Jewish state.
PMW cited the entire song in its newsletter:
"Oh, Flying Bird..."
"Oh flying bird, circling around
My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe..."
[Band joins in and several children sing]
"Oh flying bird, circling around
My eyes protect you and Allah keeps you safe
By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.
My country Palestine is beautiful.
Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,
and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa.
Don't forget Nazareth - the Arab fortress,
and tell Beit Shean about its people's return."
PMW noted that the song has been presented on PA TV and other television stations dozens of times since 2011.
The government on Sunday discussed the prospects of a final-status agreement with the Palestinians – in light of the ongoing incitement that the Palestinian Authority still broadcasts on its airwaves, teaches in its schools, and prints in its newspapers, magazines, and textbooks. The discussion continued for two hours, with ministers slamming the PA for its ongoing incitement, and several saying that making peace with the Authority under current conditions was next to impossible.
During the meeting, Intelligence Affairs Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz and the Director General of his ministry, Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser, presented the annual "Palestinian Incitement Index" (Note: PMW supplies material for this index) that includes new findings from recent months in which the diplomatic negotiations have been conducted.
The findings show that incitement against Israel and the Jewish People is continuing on official media channels, including bodies that are very close to the Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and in educational and religious networks. The findings also show that during the period of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians not only did incitement not lessen, in certain areas it even increased, and that recently, the use of prominent Nazi elements – such as the image of Hitler – has also increased.