PA TV host calls Israel "the lands occupied in 1948"
Official PA TV program Over the Green Line about a plan to settle 100,000 Jews in the Galilee.
PA TV host: “It is now obvious to everyone: The savagery of the settlements that is consuming the West Bank lands does not exclude the lands occupied in 1948 (i.e., Israel) from its sphere of activity. Immediately after the storm caused by the Prawer plan abated, the [World] Zionist Organization Settlement Division announced a plan to Judaize the Galilee.”
Note: The “Prawer Plan” is a proposal to grant recognition to the vast majority of presently unrecognized Bedouin communities in the Negev, and to compensate and resettle the 35 communities that are to be moved off state-owned land.
PA TV host: “It is now obvious to everyone: The savagery of the settlements that is consuming the West Bank lands does not exclude the lands occupied in 1948 (i.e., Israel) from its sphere of activity. Immediately after the storm caused by the Prawer plan abated, the [World] Zionist Organization Settlement Division announced a plan to Judaize the Galilee.”
Note: The “Prawer Plan” is a proposal to grant recognition to the vast majority of presently unrecognized Bedouin communities in the Negev, and to compensate and resettle the 35 communities that are to be moved off state-owned land.