JPost article on PA incitement cites PMW research

PA incitement is entrenched and getting worse
by Moshe Dann
That incitement is rampant throughout PA media is nothing new; it has been there from the very beginning of what is called “Palestinian nationalism,” indoctrinating generation after generation in Jew-hatred.
The Palestinian Authority’s campaign of Jew-hatred and anti-Israel venom is getting worse. A powerful presentation (largely based on PMW documentation -Ed.) by Israel’s Office of Strategic Affairs, led by Minister Yuval Steinitz and his director- general, Brigadier-General (res.) Yossi Kupperwasser, highlights the increasing vehemence of these attacks, which include Nazi references. Although thoroughly documented by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) and Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI), and reported briefly by The New York Times, the issue has been largely ignored by international media, probably because it is so common.
That incitement is rampant throughout PA media is nothing new; it has been there from the very beginning of what is called “Palestinian nationalism,” indoctrinating generation after generation in Jew-hatred. And it violates all agreements signed by the PA. What is strange, however, is that the Israeli government has done nothing to stop it.
Although government officials raise the issue, there has been no attempt to make it a condition for continuing negotiations, releasing terrorists, or giving the PA money and other “confidence building” benefits.
Without incurring any penalty for engaging in incitement and generously funded by the US, EU governments and private organizations, the PA has no incentive to stop disseminating hate propaganda. It’s business as usual...
Incitement is not a superficial aspect of Palestinianism; it is its core, explicit in the Palestinian National Covenant and Hamas Charter...
Asking the PA to end incitement, therefore, is equivalent to demanding an end to Palestinianism – the promotion of a malignant culture focused on wiping out Israel...
The solution requires refocusing away from statehood, and forcing Arab Palestinian leaders to choose between continuing incitement and support for their political and economic aspirations. No doubt the international community will continue to ignore this issue, as they have done for decades, but they must understand the consequences: it will embolden Arab intransigence, fuel more hatred and prevent any progress toward peace.
Ending incitement should be a prerequisite for any future financial support and political involvement, including diplomatic recognition. It is moral, reasonable and practical.
The struggle against PA and Islamist incitement, therefore, is one of the most crucial elements in the war against terrorism because it strikes at the motivation for people to murder “for the sake of Allah,” and “Palestine.”
We should not underestimate the effort this entails. It means rejecting everything for which Arafat and his followers fought, died and continue to fight. It means ending their armed struggle, “the resistance” and terrorism. It means changing priorities.
It’s not easy, but It’s the only ground in which hope can take root.