Laila Ghannam leads delegation bringing condolences to family of shooter

“Yesterday, Thursday [Jan. 30, 2014] District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam led a delegation from the district [administration] that delivered a special telegram of condolence for Martyr (
Shahid) Muhammad Mubarak on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas. The President said in the telegram: ‘Before all of you and before our people in the Jalazone refugee camp that is standing firm, we express our heartfelt and brotherly condolences on the Martyrdom death of the precious son Muhammad Mahmoud Mubarak, whose pure soul ascended to God’s kingdom as a result of the despicable occupation army’s bullets.’ The President added: ‘By sharing in the grief felt by all of you over his Martyrdom death, we express our absolute denunciation and our strong condemnation of this heinous crime, which is one in a series of daily crimes committed against our defenseless people by the occupation army, and we call on Allah to forgive him [Muhammad Mubarak] and have mercy on him and gather him into the group of virtuous Martyrs who have attained His benevolence in Paradise. [And we call on Allah] to give you and his dear family forbearance and solace.”
Click to view bulletinNote: Muhammad Mahmoud Mubarak – shot at an Israeli army position on Jan. 29, 2014. He was killed in the ensuing exchange of fire with Israeli forces.
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