PA prime minister conveys Abbas’ condolences to families of terrorists
“Yesterday [March 12, 2014] [PA] Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamdallah consoled the relatives [of several Martyrs (Shahids), including] the Martyrs of the numbered [cemeteries] (i.e., Israeli cemeteries for terrorists and enemy soldiers) from Nablus, Martyr Maher Muhyi Al-Din Hbeishah and Martyr Imad Kamal Zubeidi… Hamdallah conveyed President Mahmoud Abbas’ condolences to the Martyrs’ relatives and expressed his hope that Allah would let them rest in Paradise and grant their families forbearance and solace.”
Notes: Maher Hbeishah - was a suicide bomber who detonated himself on the no. 16 bus in Haifa on Dec. 2, 2001, killing 15 people and wounding around 40. Israel transferred the terrorist‘s body to the PA on March 11, 2014.
Imad Zubeidi – was a suicide bomber who detonated himself at a bus stop in Kfar Saba on April 22, 2001, killing Dr. Mario Goldin and wounding more than 40. Israel transferred the terrorist’s body to the PA on March 11, 2014.
The Cemeteries for Enemy Casualties are two burial sites maintained by the Israeli army for burying the bodies of enemy soldiers as well as terrorists. They are fenced and well-marked. Graves have markers instead of gravestones. Burial is temporary, on the assumption that the bodies will eventually be returned to their countries of origin. No ceremony is held. The bodies are buried in numbered caskets, after their identities have been documented.
Notes: Maher Hbeishah - was a suicide bomber who detonated himself on the no. 16 bus in Haifa on Dec. 2, 2001, killing 15 people and wounding around 40. Israel transferred the terrorist‘s body to the PA on March 11, 2014.
Imad Zubeidi – was a suicide bomber who detonated himself at a bus stop in Kfar Saba on April 22, 2001, killing Dr. Mario Goldin and wounding more than 40. Israel transferred the terrorist’s body to the PA on March 11, 2014.
The Cemeteries for Enemy Casualties are two burial sites maintained by the Israeli army for burying the bodies of enemy soldiers as well as terrorists. They are fenced and well-marked. Graves have markers instead of gravestones. Burial is temporary, on the assumption that the bodies will eventually be returned to their countries of origin. No ceremony is held. The bodies are buried in numbered caskets, after their identities have been documented.