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PA governor responds to "Israeli media attacks" for his glorification of terrorists

     ‎“The uncle of the Martyr (Shahid) [Khaled ‎Sanjaq], Fathi Hamad, told Al-Hayat Al-‎Jadida that Martyr Sanjaq, [who had been] ‎a member of the [PA] Preventive Security ‎Forces, had died a Martyr in a ‎confrontation with an occupation army ‎force on Dec. 2, 2001 near the Nitzanei Oz ‎settlement west of Tulkarem, to avenge ‎the Martyrdom of his comrade [which ‎occurred] during that same period‎…‎
A large crowd of residents of the district ‎accompanied the body of Martyr Sanjaq to ‎his grave in [the village of] Ramin. The ‎funeral procession set out from the Martyr ‎Thabet Thabet Government Hospital in ‎Tulkarem, led by Tulkarem District ‎Governor Dr. Abdullah Kamil…‎
Tulkarem District Governor Dr. Kamil ‎emphasized that the Martyrs of the ‎Palestinian nation, whose pure bodies ‎have been handed over [to the PA by ‎Israel], fought for a just and inclusive ‎peace, and are worthy of respect, honor ‎and commemoration. [He added that] the ‎concept known as ‘the numbered ‎cemeteries’ (i.e., Israeli cemeteries for ‎terrorists and enemy soldiers) has been ‎shattered by the return of these heroes, ‎who will be buried according to Islamic ‎Shari’ah law and accorded official and ‎popular recognition, being Martyrs of ‎freedom and peace. In addition, during the ‎funeral ceremony of the body of Martyr ‎Sanjaq, the District Governor said that the ‎fact that the Israeli media attacked him ‎personally for having received the bodies ‎of the heroes ‎ has merely increased his ‎strength and determination.”‎

Notes: PMW reported on Tulkarem District ‎Governor Dr. Abdullah Kamil’s ‎participation in the
funeral of terrorist Sarhan Sarhan

Khaled Sanjaq - he and another terrorist ‎infiltrated Sha'ar Efraim, a town in central ‎Israel, and opened fire on the Israeli ‎security forces patrolling the area. A soldier ‎was critically wounded and Sanjaq was ‎killed in the exchange of fire (Dec. 2, ‎‎2001). Israel transferred the terrorist‘s body ‎to the PA on March 11, 2014.‎

Nitzanei Oz
– a community in central ‎Israel, within the 1967 borders.‎

The Cemeteries for Enemy Casualties are ‎two burial sites maintained by the Israeli ‎army for burying the bodies of enemy ‎soldiers as well as terrorists. They are ‎fenced and well-marked. Graves have ‎markers instead of gravestones. Burial is ‎temporary, on the assumption that the ‎bodies will eventually be returned to their ‎countries of origin. No ceremony is held. ‎The bodies are buried in numbered ‎caskets, after their identities have been ‎documented.‎

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