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PA TV music video tells children to go to child "Martyr" paradise - with beaches, kites, and amusement parks

A PA TV video features an actor representing Muhammad Al-Dura, the boy who was killed in a televised crossfire in Gaza in 2000. Al-Dura calls other children to follow him to death to go to the joyous child-Martyr Paradise. 

This video was broadcast hundreds of times on PA TV from 2001 – 2008

Opening text on screen: "I am waving to you, not in parting, but to say follow me (by) Muhammad Al-Dura"

Narrator: "How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs.
How sweet is the fragrance of the earth, its thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body.
How sweet is the fragrance of the earth.
The boy [Muhammad Al-Dura] cried: 'Oh father, till we meet, till we meet, father, till we meet, I will go with no fear and without crying.
How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs. I will go, father, to my place in heaven.
How sweet is the fragrance of the martyrs.
Oh father, till we meet, till we meet, Oh father, till we meet.'"

Muhammad Al-Dura


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