PA daily: Israel is an "apartheid state" and "breeding ground for... corruption and mafia" because its leaders know Zionism is "based on lies," supported by US economic aid
Op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for Al-Hayat Al-Jadida
“[Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert’s conviction on [charges of] corruption is a crushing blow to his political history, and can be considered the defining moment in the closing chapter of his political time. Despite the return of many Israeli leaders to the political arena, the previous cases submitted against prime ministers, ministers, military commanders and others were not as serious as the Olmert case, which will make it difficult for him to return to politics – though anything is possible and permissible in the apartheid state, given its settler character.
The State of Israel, according to the testimony of Judge Rosen (the judge in the Olmert case) and others, is a breeding ground for all forms and manifestations of corruption and mafia, and the political and military classes may well be playing a central role in furthering these manifestations, which threaten the unity of Israeli society. This phenomenon has both subjective and objective causes [including]: 1. The lack of belief among these leaders in the continued existence of their state, given their understanding that it is an unnatural state and that the dangers surrounding it render the chances of its continued [existence] elusive. 2. The ideological, political, moral and ethical foundations of the Israeli elites are weak; they understand that the Israeli Zionist narrative is based on lies and falsifications of truth, history and reality. 3. The nature of [Israel’s] relationship with the capitalist West – especially the United States, which lavishes on Israel the highest financial and economic aid, and sets the mood and creates a fertile environment for acts of theft and robbery among the ranks of Israeli leaders. 4. The nature of the relationship between the heads of global financial capital and the Zionist movement, in which the Jewish Zionist families play a pivotal role in reinforcing corruption and bribery, [can be seen] in the same context. This [is] especially [true] because the financial and industrial capital uses money to achieve its economic and political goals.”
“[Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert’s conviction on [charges of] corruption is a crushing blow to his political history, and can be considered the defining moment in the closing chapter of his political time. Despite the return of many Israeli leaders to the political arena, the previous cases submitted against prime ministers, ministers, military commanders and others were not as serious as the Olmert case, which will make it difficult for him to return to politics – though anything is possible and permissible in the apartheid state, given its settler character.
The State of Israel, according to the testimony of Judge Rosen (the judge in the Olmert case) and others, is a breeding ground for all forms and manifestations of corruption and mafia, and the political and military classes may well be playing a central role in furthering these manifestations, which threaten the unity of Israeli society. This phenomenon has both subjective and objective causes [including]: 1. The lack of belief among these leaders in the continued existence of their state, given their understanding that it is an unnatural state and that the dangers surrounding it render the chances of its continued [existence] elusive. 2. The ideological, political, moral and ethical foundations of the Israeli elites are weak; they understand that the Israeli Zionist narrative is based on lies and falsifications of truth, history and reality. 3. The nature of [Israel’s] relationship with the capitalist West – especially the United States, which lavishes on Israel the highest financial and economic aid, and sets the mood and creates a fertile environment for acts of theft and robbery among the ranks of Israeli leaders. 4. The nature of the relationship between the heads of global financial capital and the Zionist movement, in which the Jewish Zionist families play a pivotal role in reinforcing corruption and bribery, [can be seen] in the same context. This [is] especially [true] because the financial and industrial capital uses money to achieve its economic and political goals.”