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Human rights commission says torture still a ‎problem despite Abbas' ban

‎“President Mahmoud Abbas received the ‎annual report for 2013 on the state of ‎human rights in the Palestinian Territories ‎during a reception held yesterday [April ‎‎24, 2014] for the commissioners of the ‎Independent Commission for Human ‎Rights, headed by Committee ‎Commissioner Ahmed ‎ Harb…‎
The Committee’s commissioners ‎emphasized that, despite the President’s ‎approval of the ban on torture and its ‎illegalization, the report recorded ‎numerous cases of torture. They also ‎noted that the importance of illegalizing ‎torture has grown since the President ‎signed the International Convention ‎Against Torture, as Palestine is now ‎required to file reports on its adherence to ‎the Convention.”‎
From WAFA, official PA news agency

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