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ADL poll: Large majority of residents in Gaza and West Bank believe antisemitic ‎libels to be true

‎“The ADL Global 100: An Index of Antisemitism” poll revealed that the West Bank and ‎Gaza have the highest index of antisemitic views in the world. The following are ‎questions that participants in the poll were asked:‎

‎“West Bank and Gaza - Demonization Attitudes
Jews have too much power in the business world ……………...................................91%‎
Jews have too much power in international financial markets…................................89%‎
Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind................................…...84%‎
Jews have too much control over global affairs......................................................…....88%‎
Jews have too much control over the United States government...............................85%‎
Jews think they are better than other people..................................................................72%‎
Jews have too much control over the global media......................................................88%‎
Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars........................................................78%‎

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Jews?‎
‎18% Favorable‎
‎78% Unfavorable‎
‎4% Can't Rate‎

Jews are just like everyone else
‎53% Agree‎
‎46% Disagree‎
‎1% Don't Know (volunteered)‎

A lot of the people I know have negative feelings about Jews
‎84% Agree‎
‎14% Disagree‎
‎2% Don't Know (volunteered)”‎

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