Ottawa Sun: Considering PMW research, it's no surprise that 93% of Palestinians hold anti-Jewish views

Mission Impossible for peace process
by David Harris
PA President Abbas last month recognized the Holocaust, calling it a “heinous crime.” But his spin was consistent with his never-withdrawn PhD dissertation’s claim that Jews conspired with Nazis to instigate the Holocaust in the first place. As a Tablet magazine blog put it, Abbas “cleverly crafted a position that allowed him to acknowledge the Holocaust while still blaming the Jews for it.”
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) exposed Abbas’ repeatedly describing terrorist killers — including someone who knifed a 76-year-old — as “heroes.” PMW has posted numerous clips from official PA television, featuring Muslim clerics, children and others vilifying Jews and Israelis, as descendants of apes and pigs. PMW says this follows an interpretation of Qur’anic chapters 2, 5 and 7. Unsurprisingly, 93% of Palestinians reportedly hold anti-Jewish views, and peace eludes the region.
A lawyer with 30 years’ experience in intelligence affairs, David B. Harris is director of the International Intelligence Program, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc.
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) exposed Abbas’ repeatedly describing terrorist killers — including someone who knifed a 76-year-old — as “heroes.” PMW has posted numerous clips from official PA television, featuring Muslim clerics, children and others vilifying Jews and Israelis, as descendants of apes and pigs. PMW says this follows an interpretation of Qur’anic chapters 2, 5 and 7. Unsurprisingly, 93% of Palestinians reportedly hold anti-Jewish views, and peace eludes the region.
A lawyer with 30 years’ experience in intelligence affairs, David B. Harris is director of the International Intelligence Program, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc.