Jpost: John Kerry should read PMW

Why there is no Palestine
by Rachel Bresinger
When will there be a state of Palestine? When the Palestinians’ desire to create their own state is greater than their desire to destroy Israel.
After nine months of intensive talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, US Secretary of State John Kerry found out for himself that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not as simple as he might have thought...
The Palestinians were given essentially everything they asked for, yet did not accept the Israeli offer for peace and the creation of a Palestinian state. Why would the Palestinians have turned down an offer for everything they said they wanted? The answer is actually quite simple – because what the Palestinians and Yasser Arafat told the Western world they wanted was not in reality what they wanted. The Palestinians did not just want a Palestinian state in the Gaza and West Bank, but a Palestinian state in all of Israel. They wanted and still want all of what they term “Palestine,” from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, with there being no Jewish state in between...
The Palestinians voice their true desires quite openly in Arabic, but the Western diplomats seem to not watch the Arab TV channels. There is an organization called Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) which is dedicated to monitoring Palestinian news sources and translating them from Arabic to English/Hebrew. It would have done John Kerry a great deal of good to have watched some of their clippings before blindly throwing himself into trying to force the Israelis and Palestinians to come to an agreement.
So when will there be a state of Palestine? The truth is this will only occur when the Palestinians’ desire to create their own state is greater than their desire to destroy the only Jewish state.