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Fatah official justifies kidnapping: "If they don't want to be kidnapped, don't ‎want stones to be thrown at them and ‎don't want to be attacked, they should ‎leave, leave our land‎"

Official PA TV program The State of ‎Politics interviewed Deputy Secretary of ‎the Fatah Central Committee and ‎Chairman of the Palestinian Football ‎Association Jibril Rajoub
Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central ‎Committee Jibril Rajoub: “There are ‎three kidnapped Israelis. Kidnapped or ‎not, I think it’s a mistake [to discuss this], ‎and the newspapers have said this and ‎that, this subject is not our concern. Three ‎Israelis have disappeared. They were at ‎the wrong place at the wrong time. They ‎are in occupied territories, the Palestinian ‎people’s territories, [which are] part of the ‎Palestinian state, at a time when there are ‎manifestations of tension: prisoners on ‎‎[hunger] strike, two children died as ‎Martyrs (Shahids) in Beitunia, settlement, ‎constant attacks by settlers against our ‎pride, fields and lands, roadblocks and ‎more. This policy has created an ‎environment [that encourages ‎kidnapping]. And let’s suppose there was ‎a response [to this Israeli policy], and they ‎were kidnapped in an attempt to exchange ‎‎[hostages] with the occupation authorities, ‎because the example of Shalit (i.e., the ‎Israeli soldier Shalit was exchanged for ‎‎1,027 Palestinian prisoners) founded the ‎belief among the Palestinian public that ‎this [Israeli] government only responds to ‎the language of pressure and force. In ‎other words, the peace process, and even ‎the American intervention were not able to ‎release the 104 prisoners who had been ‎‎[in prison] before the Oslo [Accords were ‎signed]…‎
At first, the whole world identified with the ‎story of the three settlers, none of whom ‎should have been [in] our [territory], as I ‎said, alright?‎
None of them should have been [here]. ‎This is our land.”‎

Official PA TV host: “Their very presence ‎‎[there] was illegal.”‎

Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central ‎Committee Jibril Rajoub: “This is our ‎land and they need to think and leave it. If ‎they don’t want to be kidnapped, don’t ‎want stones to be thrown at them and ‎don’t want to be attacked, they should ‎leave, leave our land. Then they should ‎see whether or not there are security ‎guarantees… ‎
Of course, they frightened all of Europe ‎with the story of the Holocaust, and they ‎are [now] doing the same thing to us. We ‎are 12 million: a little over 6 outside and a ‎little over 5 inside the homeland. 70 ‎percent of our people in Gaza are ‎refugees, alright? In the West Bank, a ‎third of the population are also refugees, ‎and even half of those who are in the ‎‎1948 [territories] (i.e., Israel) are refugees, ‎even in their [own] country.”‎


On June 12, 2014, Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, ‎‎19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Frenkel, 16, ‎were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists while they ‎were hitchhiking in the West Bank. The boys' ‎bodies were found by Israeli security forces ‎near Hebron on June 30, 2014. They appeared ‎to have been shot to death soon after the ‎abduction.‎

In October 2011, the Israeli government ‎agreed to release 1,027 Palestinian ‎prisoners from Israeli prison in exchange ‎for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who had ‎been held hostage by Hamas for more ‎than 5 years.‎

In August 2013, Israel agreed to release ‎‎104 Palestinian terrorists from prison, ‎which was the PA's precondition for ‎renewing peace talks. The terrorists were ‎released in stages. The first group of 26 ‎was released on Aug. 13, 2013. The ‎second group of 26 was released on Oct. ‎‎30, 2013. The third group of 26 was ‎released on Dec. 30, 2013. The fourth ‎group was scheduled to be released on ‎March 29, 2014, but Israel delayed their ‎release while negotiating the terms for ‎continuation of the peace talks. When the ‎PA submitted requests for admission as a ‎state to several international bodies, Israel ‎cancelled the release.‎

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