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Powerline: President Obama should take a look at PMW's website


A good beat and you can kill to it
by Scott Johnson

Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama draws on the deep well of his wisdom and his foreign policy ‎successes to instruct Israelis on the path to peace in today’s Haaretz column “Peace is the only true path to ‎security for Israel and the Palestinians.” Warning: Reading may induce nausea.‎

‎“In President Abbas, Israel has a counterpart committed to a two-state solution and security cooperation with ‎Israel,” Obama writes. Benjamin Netanyahu? The observant reader — such as Josh Lederman, the author ‎of this AP story — will note that Obama offered no parallel praise for Netanyahu. He also omits any mention ‎of the peaceniks in Gaza barraging Israel with rockets.‎

Because of the ludicrous timing of Obama’s column, Haaretz emphasizes: “This article was written for ‎Haaretz’s Israel Conference on Peace before June 30, 2014.” Obama’s wisdom, however, is timeless. It ‎can’t have proved obsolete in a matter of days, can it?‎

Obama has not yet publicly embraced Hamas. He simply ignores it. Hamas doesn’t rate a mention. ‎Obama’s silence regarding Hamas is the midpoint on his journey toward the post-presidential phase of ‎Jimmy Carter’s career as a Middle East peacemaker.‎

Abbas is such a peacenik that the media under his control via Fatah or the Palestinian Authority ‎regularly call for the extinction of Israel. Palestinian Media Watch makes the work of the Palestinian ‎media accessible in English and interested observers can witness the phenomenon for themselves.‎

Let’s take a recent example highlighted by PMW. Only four days after the kidnapping of the three Israeli ‎teenagers, Abbas’s Fatah movement posted a videoon its Facebook page promising Israelis: ‎‎“Death is near.”PMW observes: “The song promotes violence and destruction in the name of Allah, ‎as it calls to ‘smash the fortress of the hopeless[.]‘”‎

Israelis and/or Jews are addressed directly and promised death:‎

Stop and consider, sons of Zion, that death is near… All you’ll get from us is death Stop and ‎consider a thousand times That a revolution sparks with a flame Fatah is like a rock, whose soldiers ‎love to fight
Hey, President Obama, it’s got a good beat and you can kill to it (video below).


Scott W. Johnson is a Minneapolis attorney and a fellow of the Claremont Institute. His articles have appeared in ‎National Review, The Weekly Standard, The New York Times, and newspapers from Florida to California.‎

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