Israel is “the source of evil” and the reason why terror organizations like IS come into being
Op-ed by Adli Sadeq, PLO Ambassador to India and regular columnist for the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida:
“Information regarding the IS threat leaked from the latest session of the US-Israeli Strategic Dialogue Committee indicates that Israel – which launched a criminal war against Gaza and committed war crimes – will take an active part, without being explicitly mentioned, in the coalition for an international war on the terror organization [IS]. In this context, the occupiers make no secret of their wish to ‘IS-icize’ Hamas… From the start, the war against this group had lost the qualities of balance and justice – so long as Israel presents itself as having an interest in fighting terrorism, while [at the same time] engaging in even worse state terrorism and intentionally prolonging the conflict and tension in the region. Its crimes have become one of the causes of the rage exploited by ignorant extremists to create terror organizations… [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s attempt to link the international war on IS terrorism to what he calls Palestinian terrorism, in addition to the unchanging US position, which is biased in Israel’s favor, and the [US] determination to torpedo any international resolution in the [UN] Security Council on ending the occupation and punishing Israel for its crimes, renders the American efforts unreliable and immoral… Unless US activity includes [taking] a position and [taking] action against the Israeli occupation, or if the Americans continue to support Israel [even] at the height of the aggression, the frustrated environment that gave rise to IS will continue to create similar things, since Israel is the cause of trouble and the source of evil!”
“Information regarding the IS threat leaked from the latest session of the US-Israeli Strategic Dialogue Committee indicates that Israel – which launched a criminal war against Gaza and committed war crimes – will take an active part, without being explicitly mentioned, in the coalition for an international war on the terror organization [IS]. In this context, the occupiers make no secret of their wish to ‘IS-icize’ Hamas… From the start, the war against this group had lost the qualities of balance and justice – so long as Israel presents itself as having an interest in fighting terrorism, while [at the same time] engaging in even worse state terrorism and intentionally prolonging the conflict and tension in the region. Its crimes have become one of the causes of the rage exploited by ignorant extremists to create terror organizations… [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s attempt to link the international war on IS terrorism to what he calls Palestinian terrorism, in addition to the unchanging US position, which is biased in Israel’s favor, and the [US] determination to torpedo any international resolution in the [UN] Security Council on ending the occupation and punishing Israel for its crimes, renders the American efforts unreliable and immoral… Unless US activity includes [taking] a position and [taking] action against the Israeli occupation, or if the Americans continue to support Israel [even] at the height of the aggression, the frustrated environment that gave rise to IS will continue to create similar things, since Israel is the cause of trouble and the source of evil!”