Abbas: “We need to defend” Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem
Official PA TV broadcast a filler showing Christian and Islamic holy places in Jerusalem together with statements by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on the need to protect them:
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem the first of the two Qiblahs (directions for Muslim prayer. The Second Qiblah is the Kaaba in Mecca). What, have we forgotten? It is also the Jerusalem sacred to Christianity, of course – the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Nativity [in Bethlehem]. We [Muslims] also have our holy places. We need to protect them and defend them, because they are mine!”
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem the first of the two Qiblahs (directions for Muslim prayer. The Second Qiblah is the Kaaba in Mecca). What, have we forgotten? It is also the Jerusalem sacred to Christianity, of course – the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Nativity [in Bethlehem]. We [Muslims] also have our holy places. We need to protect them and defend them, because they are mine!”