Terrorist killer is a “heroic Martyr” and a “patriot” who was responding to “the terrorism of the Israeli state”
Op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, columnist for the official PA daily:
“The past three weeks have seen an escalation in the operations (i.e., terror attacks) [carried out by] Palestinian youths, who believe in the justness of their cause and are defending its honor and that of their homeland and their people, in order to restrain the fascist Zionist rampage in Jerusalem. Among these operations was the one carried out by Martyr (Shahid) Ibrahim Al-Akari, 48, last Wednesday [Nov. 5, 2014] in Jerusalem against the settler herds, their officers and soldiers. He used his car as a weapon in response to the terrorism of the Israeli state, and charged at people waiting at the light-rail station in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood (in Jerusalem), killing one of them and injuring dozens of others (sic. – two people were killed)... Hamas and Islamic Jihad tried to claim that the national fighter, the heroic Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari, belongs to them. But actually, and as his family and relatives have emphasized, he did not belong [to any organization], but only to his nationalism and his people... The heroic Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari, like most Palestinians, had no need of an organizational heading [to prove] the importance of his belonging to one faction or another, in order to carry out heroic operations (i.e., terror attacks) against the Israeli occupiers... May Allah have mercy on Martyr Al-Akari, and on all the patriots belonging to a faction or working independently, like Ibrahim and his fellows.”
Note: Ibrahim Al-Akari – Hamas terrorist from East Jerusalem who deliberately ran over people at a light-rail station in Jerusalem on Nov. 5, 2014, killing Jidan Assad, 38, and Shalom Aharon Badani, 17, and injuring at least 13 others. Al-Akari was shot and killed by Israeli police officers who arrived on the scene.
“The past three weeks have seen an escalation in the operations (i.e., terror attacks) [carried out by] Palestinian youths, who believe in the justness of their cause and are defending its honor and that of their homeland and their people, in order to restrain the fascist Zionist rampage in Jerusalem. Among these operations was the one carried out by Martyr (Shahid) Ibrahim Al-Akari, 48, last Wednesday [Nov. 5, 2014] in Jerusalem against the settler herds, their officers and soldiers. He used his car as a weapon in response to the terrorism of the Israeli state, and charged at people waiting at the light-rail station in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood (in Jerusalem), killing one of them and injuring dozens of others (sic. – two people were killed)... Hamas and Islamic Jihad tried to claim that the national fighter, the heroic Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari, belongs to them. But actually, and as his family and relatives have emphasized, he did not belong [to any organization], but only to his nationalism and his people... The heroic Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari, like most Palestinians, had no need of an organizational heading [to prove] the importance of his belonging to one faction or another, in order to carry out heroic operations (i.e., terror attacks) against the Israeli occupiers... May Allah have mercy on Martyr Al-Akari, and on all the patriots belonging to a faction or working independently, like Ibrahim and his fellows.”
Note: Ibrahim Al-Akari – Hamas terrorist from East Jerusalem who deliberately ran over people at a light-rail station in Jerusalem on Nov. 5, 2014, killing Jidan Assad, 38, and Shalom Aharon Badani, 17, and injuring at least 13 others. Al-Akari was shot and killed by Israeli police officers who arrived on the scene.