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Fatah: Abbas only condemned murder of 4 Jews because of international ‎pressure

On Nov. 18, 2014, two Arab terrorists, Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal from East ‎Jerusalem, entered ‎a synagogue in Jerusalem and attacked worshippers with guns, ‎knives and axes, killing 4 ‎worshippers and a police officer. ‎

Abbas' office issued a statement condemning the attack, but a post on Fatah's official ‎Facebook page implied that Abbas' condemnation was insincere. The post showed a ‎video of Arafat's bodyguard explaining that Arafat would lie and condemn terror attacks ‎due to international pressure, but that "it wasn't true."
This video was accompanied by ‎the text:‎
‎"For those who argue with Fatah: Why the PA condemns self-sacrifice operations!" ‎

Arafat's bodyguard: "Whenever an operation (i.e., terror attack) was carried out in Tel ‎Aviv, Arafat would go out and say [he condemned it] - of course, after pressure. First ‎and foremost [from Egyptian] President Mubarak. He would call brother Arafat and tell ‎him: "Brother Arafat, go and condemn it, they'll screw you." [Arafat] would tell him: "But ‎Mr. President, I have Martyrs - they [Israel] destroyed us, they massacred us." [Mubarak] ‎would tell him: "Brother Arafat, go and condemn [it]. They'll screw you." Brother Arafat ‎would go and condemn it in his special way: I am against killing civilians - and that ‎wasn't true." ‎
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