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Abbas says he won't recognize Israel as Jewish state; claims Israel plans to displace Israeli Arabs

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, at a press conference held at the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 
 “Starting three years ago they [Israelis] came to us with a new invention: The Jewish ‎state. The Jewish state. Of course, now there is a Jewish state, an Islamic State, the ‎state of ISIS, and so on. The atmosphere is highly explosive. We said: "We will not ‎recognize Israel as a Jewish state." We recognize Israel, the State of Israel... [In Israel] ‎there are a million and half Arabs and half a million Christian and Muslim Russians... ‎We ask: "What right do [Russians] have to come to Palestine?" […] Naturally, Israel has ‎its objectives with this (i.e., Jewish state demand) - in general - that a million and a half ‎‎[Israeli] Arabs will be scattered all over. ‘‘You are not a Jew, what are you doing here?’’ ‎‎‘‘This is a Jewish state and you are not a Jew.’’ Likewise, they shut the doors on the ‎right of return, but we will not give up the right of return. I am a refugee, I am a refugee. ‎The President of the State of Palestine is merely a refugee. From Safed.”‎
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