PLO official warns against Israel's "evil intentions in regards to the Holy City"
Headline: “Qurei: Netanyahu’s statements regarding Jerusalem express the aggression and racism of the Israeli policy”
“PLO Executive Committee Member and Head of the Department for Jerusalem Affairs Ahmed Qurei (Abu Alaa) emphasized that the holy city (i.e., Jerusalem) will remain Arab-Islamic, no matter how much the steps and violations of the Israeli occupation increase…
He strongly rejected the irresponsible statements of Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu], who said that Jerusalem will remain in the hands of Israel. He emphasized that these statements [express] the racism and aggression of the Israeli policy and its evil intentions in regards to the Holy City…
Abu Alaa warned of the danger in using Jerusalem, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the nonsense about building the alleged Temple as ways of applying pressure to the Israeli politicians and decision makers, in order to wave it around during the Israeli parliament election campaign. He emphasized that the entire Al-Aqsa Mosque is an Islamic mosque, the first direction of prayer, and the destination of Prophet [Muhammad], peace be with him [in his Night Journey], and that the Jews have no right to one speck of dust in it. Likewise, he noted that East Jerusalem will be only the capital of the independent State of Palestine, and that the Palestinian people will not share it with anyone."
“PLO Executive Committee Member and Head of the Department for Jerusalem Affairs Ahmed Qurei (Abu Alaa) emphasized that the holy city (i.e., Jerusalem) will remain Arab-Islamic, no matter how much the steps and violations of the Israeli occupation increase…
He strongly rejected the irresponsible statements of Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu], who said that Jerusalem will remain in the hands of Israel. He emphasized that these statements [express] the racism and aggression of the Israeli policy and its evil intentions in regards to the Holy City…
Abu Alaa warned of the danger in using Jerusalem, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the nonsense about building the alleged Temple as ways of applying pressure to the Israeli politicians and decision makers, in order to wave it around during the Israeli parliament election campaign. He emphasized that the entire Al-Aqsa Mosque is an Islamic mosque, the first direction of prayer, and the destination of Prophet [Muhammad], peace be with him [in his Night Journey], and that the Jews have no right to one speck of dust in it. Likewise, he noted that East Jerusalem will be only the capital of the independent State of Palestine, and that the Palestinian people will not share it with anyone."