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Fatah honors planner of Munich Olympics massacre: “Yours is the greatness of ‎men and the pride of heroes”‎

Fatah honored one of ‎the planners of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972:

Text on image: "Martyr (Shahid) Commander Ali Hassan Salameh, the Red Prince, the ‎commander and the founder; on the 36th anniversary of [his death], his memory will ‎remain forever in our hearts. Fatah - the ongoing revolution and the torch of the armed ‎struggle." ‎
Posted text: "Red Prince, yours is the greatness of men and the pride of heroes, for ‎you fell as a Martyr while fighting." ‎
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Note: Ali Hassan Salameh - Commander of operations of the Black September terror ‎group. He planned many terror attacks, including the attack on the Israeli team at the ‎Munich Olympics in 1972, in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered.‎

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