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PMW documentation is basis for University of Haifa publication on Palestinians' view of peace

Shimon Cohen and Ari Yashar  |
PMW documentation is basis for Haifa University
publication on Palestinians' views of peace

Headline: 'Wretched Politicians Hide What the Palestinians Really Think'

by Shimon Cohen and Ari Yashar

Dr. David Bukay of University of Haifa's school of political science has been leading a research project that just completed an in-depth investigation of Palestinian Arab views of the peace talks and the desire for peace with Israel.

Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Bukay explains that the research which investigates figures from Palestinian Arab media and textbooks shows that "people think they know what the Palestinians think, but they don't know."

The doctor reveals that the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership, media and educational system are engaged in "a process of demonization and dehumanization towards Israel at levels higher than (the Nazi) Der Sturmer. This they pass to their children in a deep process of hatred and incitement with no equal in history."

Bukay explains that in the research all the materials were gathered by Itamar Marcus's Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), and adds "if the state of Israel, instead of funding hundreds and thousands of Israel-hating NGOs gave funds to Marcus and the organization he leads and MEMRI which deals with what's happening in Muslim states, and allowed them to exist and not just live on donations, people in Israel would benefit."


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