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PMW contributed to US court case holding PA responsible for terror attacks

Paul Lungen  |
PMW contributed to US court case
holding PA responsible for terror attacks


Headline: U.S. court order against Palestinians could lead to Cdn. asset seizure

by Paul Lungen

Only a few days before a U.S. court awarded the victims of Palestinian terrorism $655.5 million in damages (all figures US), Fatah, the main component of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), continued to glorify terrorist attacks that claimed dozens of innocent lives.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported that Fatah, the party of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, praised as “heroes” Japanese terrorists who killed 24 in an attack on an Israeli airport in 1972

In assigning liability against the PLO and the PA, a jury in Federal District Court in New York dismissed suggestions that the organizations were not linked to six terrorist attacks in Israel from 2002 to 2004 in which Americans were killed. And while the subsequent glorification of terrorist attacks did not prove a liability, payroll records and other documentation did. Evidence submitted in court, some of it provided by PMW, showed that killers were on the PA payroll, that the PA paid the salaries of terrorists in Israeli prisons and made payments to the families of suicide bombers.

The U.S. court decision is “precedent setting. It’s huge,” said Blumenfeld, a member of the Canadian Coalition Against Terror (CCAT), an advocacy group.

“The main thing is imposing responsibility on the PA. That’s been done before. This case is bigger and it involves many more people and events. It shows them for what they are,” he said.


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