Chicago Sun Times quotes PMW material to show that the threats facing Israel are real
Chicago Sun Times quotes PMW material
to show that the threats facing Israel are real
to show that the threats facing Israel are real

Headline: Israel can't afford to ignore vile realities
by Steve Huntley
While holding Netanyahu’s feet to the fire over his comments, Obama, his State Department, his liberal allies and the left-wing anti-Israel crowd have no problem slamming the door on the reality of worse things said and officially sanctioned by Palestinian leaders.
Here are some starkly racist comments gleaned from the files of the Palestinian Media Watch...
*A host on the Palestinian Authority’s official TV network, further identified as a professor of Quranic studies, told his audience, “Humanity will never live in comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the land… An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it.”
*In a PA TV show in February, a cleric delivered the Friday sermon calling Jews “apes and pigs.”
*In a PA TV poetry reading last September, a Palestinian youth characterized the “sons of Zion” as “barbaric apes,” “wretched pigs” and the “most evil among creations."...
These are the comments that the White House and the growing anti-Israel faction on the left are all too ready to pretend were never made. Netanyahu leads a democratic nation whose citizens returned him to office because they have undisputed security fears. Their lives and the lives of their families are on the line amid a Middle East wracked by chaos, ever-rising Islamist violence and persistent hostility to the Jewish state. They don’t have the luxury of pretending that the anti-Semitism of Palestinian society and the persistent rejection of a negotiated peace by Palestinian leadership are not realities.