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Ramallah governor honors family of ‎terrorist involved in murdering 13‎

‎“District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh ‎Dr. Laila Ghannam… honored the family of ‎prisoner Muhammad Abu Rabia, who was ‎sentenced to 13 life sentences and 50 ‎years, and stressed that our brave male ‎prisoners and glorious female prisoners ‎symbolize the Palestinian honor and ‎resolve. In addition, she stressed that their ‎families are the [top] priority for every ‎Palestinian institution, and expressed her ‎wish that they [the prisoners] would be ‎released and enjoy the freedom amongst ‎their families and loved ones. Ghannam ‎clarified that the doors of the traitors and ‎hangmen’s cells will not be locked forever, ‎that the prisoners’ victory is certain and that ‎they will live to see the light, far from the ‎barbed wires and dark cells. She also ‎conveyed her pride to all our brave male ‎prisoners and glorious female prisoners.”‎
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Note: Muhammad Naifeh ‘Abu Rabia’ – A ‎Tanzim terrorist serving 13 life sentences ‎for his involvement in several terror ‎attacks: the murder of 5 Israelis at Kibbutz ‎Metzer on Nov. 11, 2002, the murder ‎of 3 Israelis in Hermesh on Oct. 29, 2002 ‎and the murder of 5 others in shooting ‎attacks in 2001. Naifeh carried out some of ‎the shooting attacks himself.‎

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