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Popular Palestinian song misrepresents Israeli cities as Palestinian‎

Winner of Arab Idol song contest 2013 Muhammad Assaf:
"If you ask about folk ‎songs that have affected me, there are plenty, but the most prominent one is 'Oh flying ‎bird.‎'"
PA TV host:‎ "Your version became famous.‎"
Muhammad Assaf:‎ "It is a folk song... The young know it by heart as well as the ‎old. The song is about the Palestinian towns and villages. I sang a small part of it. It ‎includes Palestine from the northern end to the southern end... ‎
By Allah, oh traveling [bird], I burn with envy.‎
My country Palestine is beautiful.‎
Turn to Safed, and then to Tiberias,‎
and send regards to the sea of Acre and Haifa.‎
Don't forget Nazareth, the Arab fortress,‎
and tell Beit Shean about its people's return.‎"
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Note: Different versions of this song misrepresent the following places in Israel as ‎‎"Palestine": Jaffa, Ramle, Safed, Tiberias, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, Beit Shean, Be'er ‎Sheva. The other versions mention the following places in the PA:‎ Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, Gaza.‎

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