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Letter sent to International Olympics Committee protesting hate speech by the PA’s ‎Olympics Committee, exposed by PMW

Hillel Fendel  |
Letter sent to International Olympics Committee protesting hate speech by the PA’s ‎
Olympics Committee, exposed by PMW

Headline: Where is PA Olympic Chief's 'Fraternity and Fellowship'?‎

Sub-headline: PA Olympics Committee head endorsed "slaughter of [Jewish] ‎settlements." Protest sent to International Olympic Committee.‎

by Hillel Fendel

Jibril Rajoub, head of the Palestinian Authority's Olympics Committee, is on record as ‎having endorsed, in an interview on PA TV, the "slaughter of [Jewish] settlements."‎

A letter of protest has been sent to Thomas Bach, President of the International ‎Olympic Committee. It was written by Dr. Hillel Appelbaum, on behalf of the terrorism-‎stricken Applebaum family, with assistance from Mattot Arim, an Israeli NGO that has ‎long been working towards "peace for peace."‎

Dr. Hillel's cousin Dr. David Applebaum, together with his daughter Nava who was to ‎have been married the next day, were brutally murdered in a Palestinian terror attack in ‎Jerusalem, together with five others, in September 2003.‎

The letter of protest to Mr. Thoma Bach, President of the Lausanne-based ‎International Olympics Committee, calls his attention to a video produced by ‎Palestinian Media Watch, in which Rajoub is seen telling a TV interviewer this past ‎August as follows: “Fatah has decided that our relations with the Israelis are relations ‎between enemies. There is no kind of coordination between the Israelis and us… OK, ‎brother, here is the occupation: Am I stopping you from slaughtering a settlement? No ‎one is stopping anyone... Our political decision is resistance in the occupied territories ‎in order to bring an end to the occupation [using] all forms of resistance.”‎

The letter requests that Mr. Bach "do the utmost you are able to do with the ‎considerable powers of your position" to redress the situation. It then concludes: "After ‎all, the Olympic spirit strives to build a world of brotherhood [as the Olympic hymn ‎states]: Let all the flags of every land In brotherhood unfold, And let fraternity and ‎fellowship surround the soul of every nation…"‎


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