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Fatah condemns Israel’s killing of terrorist who rammed his car into a group of policemen and calls him a “Martyr”

Headline: “Fatah condemned the murder and ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by Israel against the residents of Jerusalem”
“The Fatah movement condemned the murder of the youth Amran Abu Dhaim from occupied Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation forces, and also the methodic acts of ethnic cleansing against the residents of the city, which have been increasing since the last [Israeli] elections. Fatah spokesperson, Osama Al-Qawasmi, said in statements to the press that Israel is perpetrating the most evil crimes against humanity in the occupied Palestinian territories, and especially in Jerusalem, where racist policies are implemented - the ethnic cleansing and the most vile racial discrimination - of which the most recent act was the murder of the young Martyr (Shahid) Amran Abu Dhaim… Al-Qawasmi emphasized that all of these racist measures which are being implemented by the Israeli extremist right-wing occupation state are occurring right before the eyes and ears of the international community. This is a mark of shame on the forehead of all international institutions, which stand helpless in the face of the Israeli violations of international and humanitarian law and the insistence of this racial government on continuing its actions which are completely dedicated to the extermination of the Palestinian nation. Al-Qawasmi added that we in the Fatah movement will continue our fight against the Israeli occupation, at whatever cost, and that this murder, destruction, and racism will not prevent us from continuing on our path to achieving our legitimate goals.”

Note: Amran Abu Dhaim – deliberately ran his car into a group of Israeli police officers on May 20, 2015, at the At-Tur junction in Jerusalem. In the attack three border policemen were injured. Abu Dhaim was shot to death during the attack.

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