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PMW documentation shows untruthfulness of Pope's reference to Abbas as "angel of peace"

Steve Huntley  |
PMW documentation shows untruthfulness
of Pope's reference to Abbas as "angel of peace"

Headline: "Huntley: Pope's activism might muddy Mideast peace hopes"

by Steve Huntley

The Vatican has announced it will recognize the “state of Palestine.” [...] Even worse, in welcoming President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to the Vatican in mid-May, Francis was quoted by the New York Times and the Associated Press as saying, in Italian, “You are an angel of peace.” This was such an outrageous characterization of Abbas that a few days later the Times reported that a couple of Italian media outlets had the pope telling Abbas, “May you be an angel of peace.”

Either way, an angel of peace is something Abbas has never been... How can “an angel of peace” countenance terrorism? The Palestinian Media Watch reports that the Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism by naming sports contests, other events, streets and squares after terrorists such as a suicide bomber who killed 31 Israelis at a Passover feast.

The PMW website also documented that, despite objections from European donor nations, the Abbas government continues to funnel donor funds to convicted terrorists. Celebration of murder and hostility to, even denial of, Israel’s existence are constant traits of Palestinian politics under Abbas.


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