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Father of bomb maker on PA TV: “Praise Allah who gave me this hero, noble fighter”‎

Ma’an TV host:‎ "We are now in the home of the heroic prisoner Abdallah ‎Barghouti, in the month of the blessed Ramadan..."
Father of bomb maker Abdallah Barghouti:‎ "Abdallah Barghouti, I am proud of him, ‎because everyone knows of Abdallah Barghouti and what he did for Palestine. I am ‎proud of him and I say: Praise Allah who gave me this hero, noble fighter for Palestine ‎and its cause... Abdallah fought for Palestine and left his family... and sacrificed ‎everything for the Palestinian cause. I ask every noble Palestinian to follow in the ‎footsteps of Abdallah Barghouti for Palestine and Jerusalem.‎"
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Note: Abdallah Barghouti - serving 67 life sentences for preparing explosives for terror ‎attacks in which 67 people were murdered: Sbarro restaurant (15 killed, Aug. 9, 2001), ‎Sheffield Club (15 killed, May 7, 2002), Moment Café (11 killed, March 9, 2002), triple ‎attack at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (11 killed, Dec. 1, 2001), Hebrew University (9 ‎killed, July 31, 2002), and Bus 4 in Tel Aviv (6 killed, Sept. 19, 2002).‎

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