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DFLP head says Palestinian terror wave is ‎‎“introduction to a large intifada”‎

Headline: “Nayef Hawatmeh: ‘What is taking ‎place is an introduction to an intifada titled ‎liberty and independence’”‎
‎“Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for ‎the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) Nayef ‎Hawatmeh said that ‘All of Palestine is witness ‎to the general popular insurgency which is ‎opening the way to the third intifada.’ ‎Likewise, Hawatmeh stated yesterday in a ‎press release that ‘The insurgency of the ‎Palestinians needs all types of unity from the ‎side of the Palestinians in the land [Palestine] ‎and outside of it,’ and emphasized that what is ‎taking place is an introduction to a large ‎intifada which will be titled liberty and ‎independence.”‎

Nayef Hawatmeh - Secretary-General of the ‎Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ‎‎(DFLP). The DFLP carried out many deadly ‎terror attacks, including the taking of ‎schoolchildren as hostages leading to the ‎killing of 22 children and 4 adults in Ma’alot ‎‎(May 15, 1974), an attack on a school bus ‎killing 9 children and 3 adults (May 22, 1970), a ‎bombing in Jerusalem killing 7 (Nov. 13, 1975), ‎the killing of 4 hostages in an apartment ‎building in Beit Shean (Nov. 19, 1974) and a ‎suicide bombing near Tel Aviv killing 4 (Dec. ‎‎25, 2003). DFLP has participated in and ‎claimed responsibility for dozens of other terror ‎attacks.‎

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