Fatah brought soil from Al-Aqsa to grave of killer of two in Jerusalem
Fatah brought soil from Al-Aqsa to grave of murderer of 2 in Jerusalem,
"so that the dead body... can hug the soil for which he died a Martyr"
PA Ministry of Education plants trees in honor of terrorists
- the "Martyrs" of "the ongoing popular uprising"
Ministry: "Event meant to illustrate the devotion of the ministry... to honoring the Martyrs...
[It] instills national and humanitarian values in the minds of the young"
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Soil in yellow bags at murderer's grave |
Murderer of 2 receives honorary law degree
from Palestinian Bar Association
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Fatah brought soil from the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the grave of terrorist Muhannad Halabi, who murdered two in the Old City of Jerusalem "so that the dead body of Martyr Muhannad Halabi can hug the soil for which he died a Martyr." [Fatah Twitter account, Oct. 8, 2015] Fatah thus follows the ideology of its chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, who recently justified the violence and murder as "protection of the holy sites," as Palestinian Media Watch documented.
In another demonstration of support for the current terror and murder campaign, today the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education is planting olive trees and placing "signs with the names of the Martyrs," honoring the "Martyrs" of what they call "the ongoing popular uprising." The ministry event follows two weeks of Palestinian terror attacks in which several Israelis have been murdered and dozens wounded in stabbing and shooting attacks carried out by Palestinians. The PA and Fatah leadership have referred to these terrorists as "Martyrs."
The PA Ministry of Education stated that its tree planting ceremony was a symbol of its dedication to the "Martyrs," and mentioned that some of them were school pupils. This refers to, among others, Hassan Manasrah (15) who together with an even younger boy brutally stabbed 2 people earlier this week, leaving a 13-year-old boy fighting for his life with multiple stab wounds. The ministry event was to "honor" the terrorists' "sacrifices":
"This event is meant to illustrate the devotion of the ministry and its staff to honoring the Martyrs, among them school students, and to strengthen the sense of belonging to the land... [and] in order to highlight the permanent presence of the Martyrs and to honor their sacrifices."
[PNN, independent Palestinian news agency, Oct. 13, 2015]
The announcement went on to say that this event - which glorifies killers of Israeli civilians - is part of the ministry's efforts to "instill national and humanitarian values in the minds of the young, and respect for the symbols of the struggle," and that it shows the "loyalty to the blood of the Martyrs":
"The ministry invites you to participate in this event, which demonstrates the depth of the connection between the education sector and the national and educational causes, and loyalty to the blood of the Martyrs, which was spilled for our freedom, honor, and the obtainment of our legal rights."
Similarly, the PA Bar Association chose to honor murderer Halabi by posthumously awarding him an honorary law degree and decided that it will "name its swearing-in ceremony for the next class of lawyers after Martyr Muhannad Halabi." The association called the killer "a heroic Martyr" and also made a condolence visit to his family. [Website of the Palestinian Bar Association, Oct. 10, 2015]
The following are longer excerpts of the reports on the PA's honoring of terrorist murderers:
Headline: "The [PA] Ministry of Education is organizing an event to plant olive trees and place signs with the names of the Martyrs"
"The [PA] Ministry of Education and Higher Education will hold an event tomorrow [Oct. 14, 2015] to plant olive trees and place signs on them with the names of the Martyrs (Shahids) of the ongoing popular uprising (Arabic: habba) for Jerusalem, in response to the barbaric attacks the Israeli occupation is carrying out against our people, students, and children. Likewise, this event is meant to illustrate the devotion of the ministry and its staff to honoring the Martyrs, among them school students, and to strengthen the sense of belonging to the land, especially during the olive harvest season.
The ministry organized this event in order to highlight the permanent presence of the Martyrs and to honor their sacrifices. Likewise, it is part of the framework of the ministry's renewed interest in activities that will help instill national and humanitarian values in the minds of the young, and respect for the symbols of the struggle.
The ministry gave notice that the event will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. in the ministry's main plaza, next to the old building.
The ministry invites you to participate in this event, which demonstrates the depth of the connection between the education sector and the national and educational causes, and loyalty to the blood of the Martyrs, which was spilled for our freedom, honor, and the obtainment of our legal rights."
[PNN, independent Palestinian news agency, Oct. 13, 2015]
Image and text tweeted from Fatah's Twitter account on Oct. 8, 2015. The images show sacks of soil and a dead body, presumably of Muhannad Halabi.
"Soil from the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] that was brought by the Jerusalem Fatah movement, so that the dead body of Martyr Muhannad Halabi (i.e., murderer of 2) can hug the soil for which he died a Martyr #the_rage_of_Jerusalem"
[Fatah Twitter account, Oct. 8, 2015]
Muhannad Halabi (19) killed 2 Israelis, Rabbi Nehemiah Lavi and Aharon Bennett, and injured Bennett's wife, Adele, and their 2-year-old son in a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Following the attack, he was shot and killed by Israeli security forces. Prior to his attack, in a post to his private Facebook page, the terrorist referred to recent terror attacks as part of a "third Intifada," and said that it was a response to Israel's actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and that the Palestinian people would not "succumb to humiliation." This is a reference to the PA libel that Israel is plotting to take over and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to the PA's portrayal of Jews praying on the Temple Mount as "an invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
The Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission's official website links to this Twitter account. The Twitter account also links to the official website of Fatah's Mobilization and Organization Commission.
Headline: "The [Palestinian] Bar Association council awarded Martyr Halabi an honorary law degree"
"The [Palestinian] Bar Association council decided in its meeting today [Oct. 10, 2015] to award the heroic Martyr (i.e., terrorist who killed 2) Muhannad Halabi an honorary law degree. Moreover, it decided that it would name its swearing-in ceremony for the next class [of lawyers] after Martyr Muhannad Halabi.
After the decision was made, the Association's head and council members visited [Muhannad's] family to express their condolences and inform the Martyr's family of the association's decision. It should be noted that the heroic Martyr Muhannad Halabi was an outstanding student at the Faculty of Law (at Al-Quds University, -Ed.)."
[Website of the Palestinian Bar Association, Oct. 10, 2015]