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Allah could kill all Jews, but Allah wants Palestinians to carry out Ribat (religious conflict)

Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque: ‎“Allah can annihilate all the Jews down to the last one, throughout the world. But what ‎does Allah want? He wants us to fulfill His command. If we ask ourselves: ‘How can I ‎fulfill Allah’s command?’ The most important thing I can do to fulfill Allah's command ‎when I am in the Al-Aqsa Mosque is Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed ‎to be Islamic) in the Al-Aqsa Mosque… ‎The Prophet [Muhammad] says about the Martyr: ‘His sins are forgiven with the first ‎gush of blood.’‎ Some privileges are bestowed upon the Martyr. The first: ‘His sins are forgiven with the ‎first gush of blood.’‎ The Martyr's second privilege: ‘He marries two of the Dark-Eyed (i.e., virgins) of ‎Paradise.’ His third privilege: ‘He advocates on behalf of 70 members of his family.’ […]‎ Let’s compare the privileges that are bestowed upon the Ribat fighter to the privileges ‎of the Martyr: ‘The Ribat fighter marries 70 of the Dark-Eyed (i.e., virgins).’‎ The Martyr gets two of the Dark-Eyed, while the Ribat fighter gets 70. 35 times more ‎than the Martyr. ‘He marries 70 of the Dark-Eyed, and can advocate on Judgement Day ‎on behalf of anyone he wants.’”‎

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