Fatah official: Murdering Israelis is Palestinian "right"
Fatah official: Murdering Israelis is Palestinian “right”
Jamal Muhaisen at memorial for killer of 2:
“It is the right of our young men
to cause Israeli women to cry,” says Fatah official,
about terrorist who murdered two Israeli men
leaving two young widows
PLO official:
Terrorist murderer of 2, Muhannad Halabi,
is a “role model for generations of young”
PA municipality erects memorial
for terrorist Halabi on road already named after the terrorist
A rally in murderer’s honor “turned into a national wedding”

Memorial for terrorist murderer Muhannad Halabi in
Abu Qash municipality [zamnpress.com. Nov. 12, 2015]
Abu Qash municipality [zamnpress.com. Nov. 12, 2015]
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muhaisen participated in a rally honoring Palestinian terrorist murderer Muhannad Halabi, and “saluted the soul of [the] Martyr, who detonated the Jerusalem intifada,” Ma’an news agency reported. The Fatah official supported the murders committed by Halabi and the other recent shooting and stabbing murders, saying that Palestinian young men have the “right” to cause “Israeli women to cry”:
“It is the right of our young men to cause Israeli women to cry like our women are crying, even though our women make sounds of joy after their sons’ and husbands’ deaths as Martyrs.”
[Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency, Nov. 14, 2015]
Palestinian society continues to give special honor to Halabi, more than the other murderers of the current terror campaign, because he carried out the first “successful” stabbing attack. He murdered two Israeli men who were walking with their wives in Jerusalem, and his attack was then copied by dozens of other terrorists. According to Muhaisen, who spoke at a rally in Halabi’s honor, Halabi “detonated the Jerusalem intifada.” The rally itself “turned into a national wedding,” the news agency reported. This is a reference to the Islamic belief that "Martyrs" for Allah are wedded to 72 Virgins in Paradise.
At the rally, PLO Central Committee Member and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) member Omar Shehadeh stated that Halabi “represents an example and role model for generations of young.” [Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency, Nov. 14, 2015]. PLO Executive Committee member and Deputy Secretary-General of the DFLP Qais Abd Al-Karim called terrorist Halabi a “hero,” expressed “pride” in him and talked about Palestinian “loyalty to [his] blood.”
In addition to the rally, the PA municipality where the killer lived erected a memorial to honor him (see picture above). This comes after the PA municipality named a road after the murderer, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.
The memorial displays a picture of the murderer and carries his name. At the ceremony inaugurating the memorial, which was attended by municipal council members, the murderer’s “virtues” were praised:
“A number of speeches were made praising the virtues of Martyr Halabi, who died while defending Jerusalem and its free women, surprised the occupiers, and lay the foundation to a new phase in the Palestinian struggle to defeat the occupation.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 13, 2015]
The PA memorial for Halabi on the road named after him is shaped as a map of “Palestine,” including both the PA areas and all of Israel, thus denying Israel’s existence in any borders.
Terrorist Muhannad Halabi, 19, killed 2 Israelis, Rabbi Nehemiah Lavi and Aharon Bennett, and injured Bennett’s wife, Adele, and their 2-year-old son in a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Following the attack, he was shot and killed by Israeli police. Prior to his attack, in a post to his private Facebook page, the terrorist referred to recent terror attacks as part of a "third Intifada,” and said that it was a response to Israel’s actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and that the Palestinian people would not “succumb to humiliation.” This is a reference to the PA libel that Israel is plotting to take over and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to the PA's portrayal of Jews praying on the Temple Mount as "an invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Murderer Halabi has also been honored by Fatah when the movement brought holy soil from the Al-Aqsa Mosque to his grave and the PA Ministry of Education planted trees in honor of recent terrorists - “the "Martyrs" of "the ongoing popular uprising."
The following are longer excerpts of the reports on the monument and the rally in honor of murderer Halabi:
Headline: “Ramallah: Rally to eulogize Martyr Muhannad Halabi”
“The rally to eulogize Martyr (Shahid) Muhannad Halabi, which the Islamic Jihad movement organized in the Salim Afandi Hall in El-Bireh on Saturday afternoon [Nov. 14, 2015], turned into a national wedding, during which everyone agreed on the importance of the continuation of the Jerusalem Intifada, a natural response to the occupation’s aggression, settlement and Judaization campaigns.
Likewise, the Martyrdom wedding participants unanimously agreed that the heroic operation of Martyr Muhannad Halabi was the detonator that made the intifada explode, and emphasized that the rift [between Fatah and Hamas] must be ended, and national unity strengthened against the occupation and the gangs of settlers...
PLO Executive Committee member and Deputy Secretary-General of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) Qais Abd Al-Karim ‘Abu Laila’ opened with the words Martyr Muhannad Halabi engraved on his Facebook page the day before his ascent [to Heaven], and with them announced the outbreak of the third Intifada.
Abd Al-Karim said: ‘When the hero Muhannad let loose these words, the intifada had not yet broken out, but he felt its excitement.’ In addition, Abd Al-Kraim expressed his pride in the cry [Halabi] uttered for the place from which Prophet Muhammad Ascended to Heaven [the Al-Aqsa Mosque] and as a sign of opposition to the humiliation of our mothers and sisters who are carrying out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He said that this Intifada sent two clear messages, the first to the world, that the existing situation, in which the occupation continue to expand the settlement, to Judaize Jerusalem, and to desecrate the sites holy to Islam and Christianity, cannot continue, and that its continuation will lead to our resistance.
The second message is to all the [Palestinian] factions and leaders: Put aside all the bickering over leadership positions, the narrow accounting, and the meaningless things, and unite against the occupation. Likewise, Abd Al-Karim emphasized that our loyalty to Muhannad’s blood is expressed in the declaration of accepting his call to end our arguments and rift.
Abd Al-Karim finished his words by saying: ‘Muhannad announced the outbreak of the Intifada, and I add that it continues, and the day will come when we will announce that the Intifada has won.’
Fatah Central Committee member Jamal Muhaisen declared his pride while standing in the presence of the Martyrs who rebelled for Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Muhaisen saluted the soul of Martyr Muhannad Halabi, who detonated the Jerusalem Intifada, and emphasized that it is a revolution against the criminal occupation, which is supported by the fascist American administration. He said: ‘Maybe we do not have planes or tanks, but we have willpower that can defeat the occupation and achieve victory,’ and added: ‘It is the right of our young men to cause Israeli women to cry like our women are crying, even though our women make sounds of joy after their sons’ and husbands’ deaths as Martyrs.’ [...]
PLO Central Committee Member and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) member Omar Shehadeh noted that Muhannad represents an example and role model for generations of young...
He said: ‘Muhannad felt the danger of the Zionist movement more than 20 years after the fraud, lie and delusion of the peace of Oslo, and he is now a symbol of the popular liberation from the fraud and political deception.’
Shehadeh added: ‘Muhannad Halabi waved the flag of challenge at the Zionist project, which wanted to take advantage of the conditions in the Arab world which have led to our [Palestinian] cause being pushed aside, and he wished to deal with it by issuing a greater challenge, in order to prove that Palestine and we ourselves are stronger than death.’ He continued: ‘The Intifada which Halabi detonated succeeded in preventing the division of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and spoke out against the ghost of Jerusalem’s Judaization.’ In addition, he emphasized in this context his belief that in the end our people will liberate its land, and the whole world, from the affliction of the Zionist project.”
[Ma'an, independent Palestinian news agency, Nov. 14, 2015]
"Division according to areas and times" refers to a proposed law (May 2013) being reviewed in Israeli Parliament that would allow for both Jews and Muslims to pray on the Temple Mount. The law seeks to designate separate prayer times and areas of the site for Muslims and Jews.
Israeli PM Netanyahu has stated on many occasions that the Israeli government has no intention of changing the status quo on the Temple Mount.
Headline: “Ramallah: One of the Abu Qash roads has been named after Martyr Halabi”
“The Surda - Abu Qash municipality named a road after Martyr (Shahid) Muhannad Halabi, which leads to the Al-Basatin neighborhood where his family lives, in an official ceremony marking the passing of 40 days since his death as a Martyr.
Likewise, a memorial with his name was placed in memory of the Martyr at the beginning of the road connecting to the road of Ramallah and El-Bireh, and the town of Bir Zeit, at an event at which municipality council members, the Martyr’s family, residents of the Al-Basatin, neighborhood, and many people from the district were present.
During the event a number of speeches were made praising the virtues of Martyr Halabi, who died while defending Jerusalem and its free women (the murderer wrote on Facebook he wanted to defend the women carrying out Ribat (religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque - Ed.), surprised the occupiers, and lay the foundation to a new phase in the Palestinian struggle to defeat the occupation.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 13, 2015]