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Fatah leader in Hebron: “The intifada” is “under the leadership of Fatah”; terrorist who ran over soldiers is “hero”

Headline: “Fatah in north Hebron: The occupation has turned Hebron into a battle field, and we will go out against its racist crimes”
“Secretary of the Hebron branch of the Fatah movement… [Hani] Ja'ara emphasized the option of resolve, confrontation, and standing against the occupation army and gangs of settlers, and the progress toward everyone joining the intifada, which in a few days will enter its third month under leadership of Fatah, which yesterday gave the news of the Martyrdom of hero Omar Al-Za'aqiq.”

Omar Al-Za'aqiq – 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who rammed his car into 6 Israeli soldiers and injured them at the entrance to the Beit Amr refugee camp, near Hebron, on Nov. 27, 2015. Soldiers shot and killed him.

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