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Hebron University holds ceremony honoring ‎terrorists from Hebron

Photos and text posted on the Hebron ‎Governorate Facebook page on Dec. 8, 2015:‎

The picture shows Hebron Governor Kamel ‎Hamid, and behind him are pictures under the ‎caption “Hebron districts Martyrs.” (Some of those appearing in the pictures are not ‎from Hebron).‎

Text: “The Union of Hebron University ‎Employees and the Student Union Council held ‎today [Dec. 8, 2015], Tuesday, a mass ceremony ‎titled ‘Loyalty to the Martyrs and Prisoners,’ ‎attended by Hebron District Governor Kamel ‎Hamid, Fatah Central Committee member ‎Sultan Abu Al-Einein, head of the university’s ‎board of trustees Nabil Al-Jabari, University ‎President Dr. Salah Al-Zaru, and a number of ‎officials and citizens, heads of the security ‎forces, and relatives of the Martyrs and ‎prisoners.‎
The ceremony speakers emphasized the need ‎for the occupation government to release the ‎prisoners and the Martyrs’ bodies that it is ‎holding, in order that they can be buried in a ‎way befitting their heroic battle for Jerusalem ‎and for Palestine’s freedom, and also ‎emphasized that the fact that the occupation ‎authorities continue to hold the Martyrs’ bodies ‎is a crime against humanity. ‎[‎…‎]
Likewise, the speakers emphasized the ‎importance of providing the Martyrs’ and ‎prisoners’ families with a life of dignity, and that ‎our people will continue to stand firm and to ‎defy [Israel] until the end of the occupation, ‎the release of prisoners sitting in the ‎occupation’s prisons, the cessation of ‎settlement, and the establishment of the State of ‎Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital.”‎

The ceremony honored the following terrorists:

Amjad Al-Jundi - 18-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed an Israeli soldier and stole ‎his weapon in the southern Israeli city of Kiryat ‎Gat on Oct. 7, 2015. Al-Jundi then broke into an ‎apartment in a nearby building and tried to attack ‎two Israeli women, but they managed to escape. ‎Al-Jundi was subsequently shot and killed by ‎Israeli police. The soldier and one of the women ‎were lightly wounded in the attack.‎
‎ ‎
Bashar and Husam Al-Ja’abri – 15 and 17-‎year-old Palestinian terrorists who stabbed and ‎injured an Israeli soldier in Hebron on Oct. 20, ‎‎2015. They were shot and killed by another ‎soldier.‎

Iyad Khalil Al-Awawdeh – 26-year-old ‎Palestinian terrorist who stabbed an Israeli ‎soldier near the entrance to Hebron on Oct. 16, ‎‎2015. He was shot and killed by an Israeli ‎soldier.‎

Fadl Al-Qawasmeh - 18-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who tried to stab an Israeli citizen in the ‎town of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank, on Oct. 17, ‎‎2015. The Israeli man shot and wounded Al-‎Qawasmeh, who later died of his wounds. ‎

Hamza Musa Al-Amla – Palestinian terrorist ‎who ran over and injured two 20 and 21-year-old ‎Israelis at Gush Etzion junction on Oct. 20, 2015, ‎and then got out of his car and tried to stab them. ‎He was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier.‎

Uday Al-Masalmeh – 24-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed and injured an Israeli ‎soldier during clashes between Israeli soldiers ‎and Palestinians near Negohot, south of Hebron, ‎on Oct. 20, 2015. Al-Masalmeh was shot and ‎killed by Israeli soldiers.‎

Ahmad Sha’aban – a 23-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist, resident of East Jerusalem, who ‎stabbed a 72-year-old woman outside the ‎Jerusalem central bus station on Oct. 14, 2015. ‎Sha’aban injured the woman and tried to board a ‎bus with passengers in order to continue his ‎attack. He was shot and killed by an Israeli ‎policeman who was at the scene.‎

Basel Sidr – A 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist ‎who tried to stab Israeli border policemen near ‎Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on ‎Oct. 14, 2015. Sidr was shot and killed by the ‎police when he tried to escape.‎

Hassan Al-Baw – Palestinians claim 23-year-‎old Palestinian Hassan Al-Baw was shot in the ‎heart during a confrontation with Israeli soldiers ‎near Hebron on Nov. 13, 2015, and died of his ‎injuries in the Al-Ahli hospital in Hebron. Israel is ‎investigating the incident.‎

Pisgat Ze'ev stabbing attack - On Oct. 12, ‎‎2015, two Palestinian terrorists, ‎Hassan ‎Manasrah (15) and Ahmad Manasrah ‎‎(13), stabbed Yossef Ben Shalom (21) in the ‎Pisgat ‎Ze'ev neighborhood of East Jerusalem, ‎and then repeatedly stabbed Naor Ben Ezra (13) ‎who was riding his bike. Hassan Manasrah was ‎killed while fleeing the scene, and Ahmad ‎Manasrah was shot by Israeli police and ‎hospitalized. Both victims of the attack were ‎seriously injured. The terrorists, who were ‎cousins, came from the nearby Palestinian ‎neighborhood of Beit Hanina.‎

Shadi Arafah, victim of terrorist Muhammad Abd Al-Baset Al-Hroub– 24-year-‎old Palestinian terrorist who opened fire with a ‎submachine gun at cars in a traffic jam near the ‎Jewish town of Alon Shvut, in the West Bank, on ‎Nov. 19, 2015. He killed three people, American ‎Ezra Schwartz, 18, Israeli Yaakov Don, 49, and ‎Palestinian Shadi Arafah, 40. Four others were ‎wounded. Al-Hroub was arrested at the site of the ‎attack. ‎

Omar Al-Za'aqiq – 19-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who rammed his car into 6 Israeli ‎soldiers and injured them at the entrance to the ‎Beit Amr refugee camp, near Hebron, on Nov. ‎‎27, 2015. Soldiers shot and killed him.‎

Malek Talal Al-Sharif – 25-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who tried to stab an Israeli soldier near ‎the Gush Etzion junction on Nov. 5, 2015. Al-‎Sharif was shot and killed by soldiers when they ‎attempted to arrest him.‎

Fadi Al-Farouh – A Palestinian terrorist who ‎tried to stab Israeli soldiers near Bet Anoun, ‎north of Hebron, on Nov. 1, 2015. He was shot ‎and killed by Israeli border policemen. ‎

Farouq Abd Al-Qader Sidr – 19-year-old ‎Palestinian terrorist who attempted to stab Israeli ‎soldiers at Beit Hadassah in Hebron on Oct. 29, ‎‎2015. Soldiers saw him coming toward them with ‎a drawn knife and shot and killed him.‎

Ibrahim Samir Skafi – 23-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who rammed his car into 3 border ‎policemen at the Halhoul junction near Hebron ‎on Nov. 4, 2015. Border Policeman Benjamin ‎Yakubovich, 19, was mortally wounded in the ‎attack, and died from his wounds on Nov. 8, ‎‎2015. Skafi was shot and killed by soldiers. ‎

Ahmed Qneibi – 23-year-old Palestinian terrorist ‎who stabbed one man, and attempted to stab ‎another at the light rail station at Ammunition Hill ‎in Jerusalem on Oct. 30, 2015. He was shot and ‎wounded by light rail security guards and a ‎border policeman. An errant bullet struck and ‎wounded a bystander at the scene.‎

Raed Jaradat – A 22-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed and critically wounded an ‎Israeli soldier at the Beit Anoun junction near ‎Hebron on Oct. 26, 2015. Jaradat was shot and ‎killed by Israeli soldiers at the scene.‎

Ihab Maswadeh – 21-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed and injured a 40-year-old ‎Israeli near the Cave of the Patriarchs, in ‎Hebron, on Dec. 7, 2015. He was shot and killed ‎by Israeli border policemen.‎

Diya Al-Talahmeh – 23-year-old Islamic Jihad ‎terrorist who blew himself up while trying to throw ‎a hand grenade at an Israeli army vehicle on ‎Sept. 22, 2015. His body was discovered by ‎Israeli forces in searches carried out after the ‎explosion.‎

Tareq Al-Natsheh – 16-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed an Israeli soldier in Hebron ‎on Oct. 17, 2015. Al-Natsheh was shot and killed ‎by Israeli soldiers.‎

Hamadeh Al-Ja'abari – Palestinian terrorist who ‎stabbed and injured a policeman at an entrance ‎to Kiryat Arba on Oct. 9, 2015. Another ‎policeman shot and killed him.‎

Hashem Al-Izza - According to Palestinian ‎sources, Palestinian Hashem Al-Izza died from ‎inhaling gas from tear gas grenades used by ‎Israeli soldiers in Hebron during a confrontation ‎with Palestinians on Oct. 21, 2015. PMW has ‎been unable to confirm this.‎

Mahmoud Khaled Ghneimat – A 20-year-old ‎Palestinian terrorist who, together with another ‎terrorist, 20-year-old Miqdad Al-Heeh, stabbed ‎and injured an 18-year-old man in Bet Shemesh. ‎They were shot and wounded by Israeli police, ‎and Ghneimat later died of his wounds.‎

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