Fatah official: Israel “fabricates” archaeological findings in Jerusalem and even “fabricated” the falafel ball
Official PA TV program The State of Politics, hosting Fatah Central Committee member Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh, on a single political plan for all the Palestinian forces in regard to t
he popular resistance and what they call “Israel’s assassination policy.”
Fatah Central Committee member Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh: “In all of the excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque, from 1967 until today - last week they found a seal. [In] all of the excavations from 1967 until today [they] found [only] one seal that belonged to one of the Israelite kings. What are these things? We know that they fabricate the graves. They come at night and open the graves. There is no one inside them. They place chiseled rocks on them, as though they were ancient, and ‘discover’ Jewish graves. Every day [Arab] residents of Jerusalem see these things. A country established on fabrications. They fabricated our history (i.e., claimed it as their own). They want to fabricate our culture (i.e., present it as Israeli/Jewish), and the latest thing that they have fabricated is the falafel ball.”
Note: "One seal that belonged to one of the Israelite kings" is referring to a clay impression of the royal seal of King Hezekiah of Judah (727–698 BCE), that was found in an Israeli archaeological excavation at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount. This seal was the first of its kind to be found in an archaeological excavation and was publicized in the media on Dec. 2, 2015. See here for more information: http://new.huji.ac.il/en/article/28173

Fatah Central Committee member Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh: “In all of the excavations under the Al-Aqsa Mosque, from 1967 until today - last week they found a seal. [In] all of the excavations from 1967 until today [they] found [only] one seal that belonged to one of the Israelite kings. What are these things? We know that they fabricate the graves. They come at night and open the graves. There is no one inside them. They place chiseled rocks on them, as though they were ancient, and ‘discover’ Jewish graves. Every day [Arab] residents of Jerusalem see these things. A country established on fabrications. They fabricated our history (i.e., claimed it as their own). They want to fabricate our culture (i.e., present it as Israeli/Jewish), and the latest thing that they have fabricated is the falafel ball.”
Note: "One seal that belonged to one of the Israelite kings" is referring to a clay impression of the royal seal of King Hezekiah of Judah (727–698 BCE), that was found in an Israeli archaeological excavation at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount. This seal was the first of its kind to be found in an archaeological excavation and was publicized in the media on Dec. 2, 2015. See here for more information: http://new.huji.ac.il/en/article/28173
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