Fatah Facebook posts image of Abbas together with map of “Palestine” that erases Israel
Image and text posted on the official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement on Dec. 23, 2015
Text: "The revolution continues
Text in image: "Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah
Long live the 51st anniversary of the Launch (Intilaqa) of the Palestinian revolution
The revolution continues"
The image shows PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas waving a document on which is written "The State of Palestine." It is a picture from his UN speech in 2011, in which he formally announced the submission of a request that Palestine be accepted as a member of the UN. The poster also shows the Fatah logo for the 51st anniversary of its launch, the number 51 with the number 1 shaped as a map of "Palestine" which includes the PA areas as well as all of Israel.
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Intilaqa- "the Launch" (i.e., the “launch” of Fatah on Jan. 1, 1965, when it carried out its first terror attack against Israel, attempting to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier)
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