PA daily op-ed: “Zionism is the invention of robbers who stole Palestine from its inhabitants, on the basis of a terrorist religion, whose lies are not supported by any archeological remnants”
Headline: “The supporters of Israel’s terror are attacking Islam”
“I say that Israel has no right to exist, because there is no archeological remnant in the area to support [this right]. The stories of Jewish prophets are a sick invention. However, I do not want even one Jew to die, even if he is a war criminal like members of the Israeli government. I just demand an independent Palestinian state. Zionism is the invention of robbers who stole Palestine from its inhabitants, on the basis of a terrorist religion, whose lies are not supported by any archeological remnants.”
“I say that Israel has no right to exist, because there is no archeological remnant in the area to support [this right]. The stories of Jewish prophets are a sick invention. However, I do not want even one Jew to die, even if he is a war criminal like members of the Israeli government. I just demand an independent Palestinian state. Zionism is the invention of robbers who stole Palestine from its inhabitants, on the basis of a terrorist religion, whose lies are not supported by any archeological remnants.”