Fatah Facebook celebrates 51 years of terror with image of rock-thrower

Image and text posted on the official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement on Dec. 27, 2015
Text: “Long live the Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah, guardian of the national enterprise and the one that fired the first bullet in the history of the Palestinian revolution”
The image shows a Palestinian with a slingshot in his hand, about to throw a rock, and the Fatah anniversary logo – “51” with the “1” shaped as a map of “Palestine” that includes the PA areas as well as all of Israel.
Text in image: “The Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah, long live the anniversary of the launch (Intilaqa)”
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Intilaqa – "The Launch" – i.e., the launch of Fatah on Jan. 1, 1965, when it carried out its first terror attack against Israel, attempting to bomb Israel's National Water Carrier
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