Fatah Facebook celebrates 51 years of terror: “Stand on the Martyr’s grave and ululate”

Image and text posted on the official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement
Posted text: “Call to the weapon philosophers again and again, long live Fatah people, the storm (i.e., Al-Asifa - a reference to Fatah's military wing in the 1960's and 1970's) of fighting
Stand on the Martyr’s (Shahid) grave and ululate, and read in his ears verses of struggle.
Fatah does not forget its people’s blood, and tomorrow the giants of the mountains will revenge my blood.
Long live the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution
#The_launch _of_Fatah51 (i.e., Intilaqa)”
Text on poster:
“Fatah movement
Long live the anniversary of the beginning of the Fatah rebel’s activities
Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission”
Intilaqa – "The Launch" of Fatah on Jan. 1, 1965, when it carried out its first terror attack against Israel, attempting to bomb Israel's National Water Carrier.