Times of Israel: Swedish MPs challenge FM Wallström after PMW presentation to MPs
Times of Israel: Swedish MPs challenge FM Wallström after PMW presentation to MPs

Headline: Swedish MPs challenge Wallström to debate over Israel comments (Jan. 201, 2016)
by Josefin Dolsten
As relations between Sweden and Israel grow increasingly tense, a small group of Swedish MPs vowed Tuesday to publicly challenge their foreign minister's controversial call last week for an investigation into what she termed Israel's "extrajudicial executions" of Palestinians...
During the Tuesday Stockholm meeting, the MPs were briefed by Itamar Marcus, founder of the Palestinian Media Watch, a watchdog group that monitors the Palestinian Authority for anti-Israel bias. Marcus presented examples of official PA media messages that glorify the killing of Jews, such as officials' publicly calling for the killing of Jews, and the naming of schools and recreational facilities after terrorists.
Oscarsson, one of the few outspoken supporters of the Jewish state in the Swedish parliament, said the materials presented by Marcus further emboldened him to challenge Wallström's comments and the government's stance on Israel.
"This evidence is shocking. We are going to call Foreign Minister Wallström to a public debate in the plenum to answer questions about what we have seen," he said.