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Murderer of Israeli mother of 6 in front of ‎her children was merciful for not killing ‎her children as well

Op-ed by Hassan Salim:

“The position: Our jargon and ‎their jargon”‎

‎“I am not the first to raise the problem of ‎jargon, whether it is directed inward or ‎outward, in the same language, content ‎and terminology, and the same tone, as ‎well as the errors caused as a result, ‎which produce an opposite outcome [of ‎the one desired]…‎

It may be beneficial to use the news of the ‎death of the Israeli (i.e., Dafna Meir, 38) ‎killed by stabbing by a Palestinian last ‎Sunday [Jan. 17, 2016] in the settlement ‎of Otniel, located on lands of Palestinians ‎south of Hebron. The Israeli Yediot ‎Aharonot newspaper published the news ‎under the title: ‘Struggled with the stabber ‎and murdered in front of her daughter.’ ‎The news item read: ‘A day after her ‎death, it becomes known what an ‎extraordinary woman Dafna Meir was, a ‎compassionate nurse, who adopted two ‎children in addition to her own four ‎children, and always acted to help others.’ ‎Likewise, it was said that Dafna Meir, who ‎was murdered on her doorstep in Otniel, ‎struggled with the stabber until the last ‎moment, and even after the stabbing, ‎while three of her children were with her ‎at home, and sought help from her ‎daughter who witnessed the event, but ‎resuscitation attempts failed and she was ‎declared dead immediately, all this in front ‎of her three children. In addition, the ‎journalist told us that Dafna Meir left ‎behind 6 orphans, four of them her ‎biological children, and the other two ‎adopted by her and raised as though they ‎were her own children. He also said that ‎she had worked as a nurse and an ‎alternative therapist, and assisted women ‎who had difficulty getting pregnant, and ‎that since she died, her acquaintances do ‎not stop talking about her and what an ‎extraordinary and generous woman she ‎was, who only wanted to help and give to ‎whoever was in need. The journalist even ‎ended with the testimony of an Arab ‎doctor, who was a colleague and friend of ‎hers, who talked about her humanity and ‎help to others.‎

On the other hand, when one of our ‎children who is not yet ten years old dies, ‎the [Palestinian] factions and parties ‎immediately acclaims him, wave pictures ‎of him decorated with a rifle, and make ‎laudatory descriptions of his struggle. ‎Naturally, they did not ask him if he really ‎wanted to depart from this life or not, or if ‎he really wished to die, even with an ‎impressive military funeral procession. ‎They did not ask him if he really took part ‎in a peaceful procession, knowing that he ‎wouldn’t return to his warm room in the ‎evening, or if he had doubts, even for a ‎moment, that the doctors would not be ‎able to remove the shrapnel from his little ‎heart… ‎

In the event of the killing of Dafna Meir, it ‎was demonstrated that the one who ‎carried it out left the children unharmed, ‎and that he was capable of doing [them ‎harm,] but did not. This way, he wanted to ‎convey a message regarding the ‎difference between us and the plundering ‎occupier, who does not differentiate ‎between children the age of Ali ‎Dawabsheh (Palestinian baby who was ‎killed with his family when his home was ‎set afire by Jewish extremists –Ed.), and a ‎fighter in battle. However, this message is ‎not being transmitted by the Israeli media, ‎because it understands the significance ‎of publicizing it, and [instead] it conveys ‎an opposite message which turns the one ‎‎[Palestinian] who carried out the murder ‎into a criminal, who does not care about ‎the tears of children whose mother was ‎taken away from them after she was ‎slaughtered in front of them.‎

There is a difference between the ‎Dawabsheh family and their baby Ali, and ‎Muhammad Abu-Khdeir (Palestinian ‎youth who was kidnapped and burned to ‎death by Jewish extremists –Ed.) who ‎preceded them, and a person who ‎stabbed a settler who stole his land. Of ‎course there is a difference.‎

There is a difference between Ahmad, the ‎‎[five-year-old] survivor of the Dawabsheh ‎family, who will find no excuse or ‎explanation for what happened to him and ‎his family, which was asleep in its home, ‎on its land, and the children of Dafna ‎Meir, living in the settlement of Otniel, ‎which is located on lands of Palestinians ‎south of Hebron. However, the biggest ‎difference is between our immediate ‎praising jargon and their humanizing ‎jargon, which succeeded in turning the ‎murderer’s (i.e., the Jewish settler) sweat ‎into tears of pity, and the victim’s (i.e., the ‎Palestinian) blood, which tainted the ‎murderer’s clothes into the blood of his ‎injury as a result of the stabbing of the ‎injured (i.e., the Palestinian terrorist).”‎

Note: This is not the first time that a terror attack has been portrayed as "moral" because the terrorists didn't kill or attack children. PMW reported on two other attacks that were viewed in this light.

Duma arson attack - On July 31, 2015, ‎two Palestinian houses in the West Bank ‎village of Duma were ‎set afire by Molotov ‎cocktails thrown through their windows. 18-‎month-old Ali Dawabsheh was killed ‎in ‎this attack, his father, Saad Dawabsheh ‎and mother, Reham Dawabsheh, died of ‎their injuries later. The ‎only survivor of the ‎attack was the couple’s other son, 4 year-‎old Ahmad, who suffered burns on 60% ‎of ‎his body and is being treated in Israel. ‎Israeli leaders and citizens from all sectors ‎of society condemned ‎this attack, and ‎Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‎told PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that ‎all ‎Israelis were disgusted by the crime, ‎adding, “We will not countenance terrorism ‎of any kind.” He ordered ‎the security forces ‎‎"to use all means at their disposal to ‎apprehend the murderers and bring them ‎to ‎justice forthwith." ‎
Israeli Police is treating the attack as a ‎nationalistic crime carried out by Jewish ‎extremists in revenge for Palestinian terror ‎attacks. In ‎early December 2015, Israeli ‎police arrested several Jewish extremists ‎who were believed to have been ‎involved ‎in the attack, and in January 2016, Israel ‎indicted 21-year-old Amiram Ben Uliel, a ‎member of the ‎radical Jewish group ‎‎“Hilltop Youth,” with three counts of murder, ‎attempted murder, arson and ‎conspiracy to ‎commit a nationalistically-motivated ‎crime. Ben Uliel confessed to police that ‎he carried out the attack in revenge for the ‎killing of Malachi Rosenfeld, an Israeli who ‎was shot and killed in a terror attack in the ‎West Bank. A minor whose name remains ‎under a police ‎gag order was also charged.‎

Morad Adais – 15-year-old Palestinian ‎terrorist who stabbed 38-year-old Israeli ‎Dafna Meir to death in front of her children ‎in her home in Otniel, south of Hebron, on ‎Jan. 17. 2016. Adais was apprehended ‎and arrested after two days by Israeli ‎security forces.‎

Muhammad Abu Khdeir - Palestinian ‎teen kidnapped and murdered by Israeli ‎extremists in Jerusalem on July 2, 2014, in ‎revenge for the kidnapping and murder of ‎Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and ‎Naftali Frenkel in the West Bank on June ‎‎12. Following Abu Khdeir’s murder, ‎Palestinians took to the streets of East ‎Jerusalem in violent and continuous ‎protests. Prime Minister Benjamin ‎Netanyahu and other Israeli ministers ‎immediately condemned the revenge ‎killing in the strongest terms. Israeli police ‎arrested six Israeli suspects on July 6th; ‎under interrogation, three of the suspects ‎confessed to murdering Khdeir. On Nov. 30, ‎‎2015, the three suspects were found guilty and ‎convicted of kidnapping, assault and murder. ‎Two of the suspects, both minors whose ‎names have not been revealed to the public, ‎were sentenced on February 4, 2016, one for ‎life imprisonment and the other for 21 years. ‎The third suspect, an adult named Yosef Ben ‎David, won’t be formally convicted until his ‎insanity plea is resolved.‎

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